chapter 15

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"Alright, everyone out and to the toilets! We have about half an hour left so let's get moving!" John announces from the front of the bus.

I tiredly stand up whilst yawning and stretching.

"God, where am I?" I ask no one in particular. Beside me, Angel gives me a weird look.

"You're in the bus," he answers like I'm dumb. Oh right. We're going on a 'road trip' as Louis called it. Louis.

"Where's Louis?" I ask Angel, surveying the front of the bus from my seat.

"Went to use the loo."

"Ok," I say simply and walk down the aisle, jumping off the bus. The smell of fresh, non-boy-polluted air is beautiful and I take a deep breath. I follow the long line of guys heading toward a squat building before I am pulled aside.

"The lady's room is that way." John points across the area toward a different building and I blush. I mumble thanks to John before I awkwardly shuffle away. What is it with you and bathrooms? Can't tell the difference in the symbols? Gritting my teeth, I enter the bathroom and find it surprisingly clean and well kept. After I finish up, I glance in the mirror and gape at my appearance. My hair is sticking in tufts and my face has the grooves of my jumper from my sleeping position etched into my skin.

"Oh wow. You're attractive," I scoff sarcastically, shaking my head. As I quickly walk out, I see everyone loading the bus again. It looks like they forgot about me.

"Hey!" I shout, sprinting toward the bus. No one turns to look at me and I growl. It's freezing out and about 9:45 am and I'm in a bad mood. Being the last one on the bus, I am able to stare down everyone.

"I hate you all," I snarl, making my way to the back of the vehicle roughly. Scott is sitting in my seat with Louis and my backpack is thrown carelessly on the floor.

"What is it with you people and my belongings always being on the floor?" I snap, picking up my bag and shuffling through it to make sure nothing is missing.

Scott just gives me a dull glare and Louis doesn't look at me. I soften a little as I watch Louis try hard to not give me attention and I feel bad that I hurt his feelings before.

"You, get the hell out of my seat!" I yell at Scott, pointing to him and then at the front of the bus. Dropping my bag back on the floor, I study him until he gives me a reaction.

"Does it have your name on it, love?" He mocks and gives me a bitter smile. My eyes flash and if only I could reach over and strangle him.

"Get out," Louis says softly. I brighten immediately.

Giving Scott a satisfied smirk, I watch as he stares at Louis in disbelief.


"She did have the seat first, sorry bro," he replies, not looking either of us in the eyes. My heart soars and I can't keep the silly grin off my face. Scott mutters obscenities but stands up, shoving Louis out of the way. Louis stands up next to me and we watch as Scott awkwardly moves out of the seat. He makes a displeased noise at me but I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows.

"Get in," Louis mumbles and I obey immediately, shifting to get comfortable. As soon as Scott is seated, the bus starts moving. I smile. Finally on the road again. Hopefully we will arrive at Setthorns in exactly half an hour. I don't need to be on this God forsaken bus longer than I have to. Patting my pockets for my ear buds, I freeze and realize I shoved them in my backpack before I used the toilet. I cautiously look at Louis out of the corner of my eye to find him staring holes in the back of the seat in front of us, not quite in it.

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