chapter 31

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I hum a little tune to myself as I lather up the body soap. Running through the events of the day I internally scold myself for my pure stupidity. Going up against the league manager and owner is quite possibly the worst thing I could have done for my career. I lean my head against the shower wall in frustration before resuming washing. I am just about to rinse off when a loud squeak sounds from somewhere in the wall. The steady stream of warm water instantly turns frigid and comes to a trickling halt. I stand back in surprise whilst goosebumps immediately form all over. I’m freaking freezing cold and I’m still covered in soap. I turn off and turn back on the faucet but nothing makes the water come back.

Flinging open the shower curtains in disgust, I carefully step onto the mat and grab the only towel awarded to me. A skimpy, barely-covering-my-ass white towel that I have to somehow get to cover the essentials. I have a few choice words to spit out whilst I slowly enter my hotel room, looking around even though I know no one else is in here. But, given the boys on my team, anything is possible. I debate whether I should venture out  in search of a working shower, but I’m no where near comfortable with walking down a hallway full of boys naked. Not going to happen. But I’m shivering and very soapy so the thought of being warm and clean again propel me out the door. As soon as I step into the hallway I feel like I need to sneak around. As quietly as I can manage, I make my way toward John’s room, lightly knocking on the door. I stand for a few moments before knocking harder. When he still doesn’t answer, I whimper and fear knocking on anyone else’s door. I consider asking Angel, but given our shaky status and my distrust of him, I walk right by his room. I have no one else to ask besides Louis and I will NOT walk into his hotel room looking like this. Scott! I can ask Scott! We’ve grown a little closer lately. And by closer I mean I tolerate him and he tolerates me. I hope.

I shuffle toward room 760 whilst clutching my towel in a death grip, making sure the bottom is actually covering my bottom. Rushing the knock on his door, I have just a split second to realize that I am a complete fucking idiot and that Scott fucking rooms with Louis and holy mother of God I am about to face Louis looking like a stripper with a towel that makes my boobs look big and my ass hang out and my skin still lathered with soap that is starting to dry and itch and shit shit shit shit mind as well just walk to that asshole’s room from earlier and just agree to have sex with him before Scott opens the door, a slice of pizza held to his mouth. As soon as he catches sight of me his mouth drops and the pizza nearly falls from his hands.

“Trey?” His eyes widen and his face flushes.

I cross and uncross my legs, shaking from cold and embarrassment. Praying to the heavens Louis is out getting run over by a car I ask the question:

“Can I use your shower?” I squeak, gripping my towel harder. Scott is speechless, just staring at me. My cheeks turn bright red and I really want to slap him.

“Scott!” I hiss, my eyes darting around. “Can I use your damn shower or not?”

I get aggressive when I’m stressed.

“Uh, yeah. Yeah. Come on in…” Scott stammers out, opening the door farther to let me in. I don’t bother saying thank you, just barging right in and heading for the bathroom. But not before I catch a nice sight of Louis lounging on his bed with a videogame controller in his hands and an open pizza box next to him. An unoccupied controller sits idle on the floor and I piece together that one belongs to Scott. Who is right behind me. Probably staring at my bum. I spin around and spot him averting his eyes quickly. Biting back a response I almost manage to slip past Louis undetected when he turns his head to ask Scott who was at the door. His head flops forward and onscreen the car he was controlling crashes into a house and bursts into flames. The silence in the room is awkward and I clear my throat uncomfortably.

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