chapter 18

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We jump over the last giant puddle and land in a heap on the muddy ground, slipping and sliding as we try to stop. Mud cakes my clothes and face, sticking to my hair and under my fingernails. The cold icicles of rain beat down relentlessly on Louis and I and he shudders even more violently than before. I am too weak to call out for help as we drown in rainwater and slowly die of hypothermia. My vision grows fuzzy and pinpricks of cold seep into my eyeballs. I squint into the darkness as shouts are heard vaguely through the thick fog of my jumbled thoughts. I am still gripping Louis’ hand but I can no longer feel him. My hand is numb; hell my whole body is numb. I can’t tell if I’m alive or the hungry fingers of hypothermia got us. I hope I’m alive. I still have a lot to live for. Just as I close my eyes, or I think I close my eyes, I feel the ghost of a touch under my arms, dragging me away. I am forcefully pried from Louis’ grip and I manage a soft whimper of protest. Voices blend together into a pleasant white noise and I relax my tense muscles. If only sleep would come quickly, maybe death wouldn’t be so bad.

“Trey!” The voice sounds painfully sluggish and metallic. I screw my eyes shut tighter and try to move away from the noise.

“Trey!” It gets closer and I shake my head to rid myself of it. The sound grates on my ears and it seems to vibrate within me. Without warning, I drop from a height and land in a sloshy substance.

“AH!” I screech whilst sitting up immediately, sputtering and coughing out water. I open my eyes quickly and look around to see John and Angel hovering over me, worry, confusion and concern written on their faces. I open my mouth but not a word comes out. The steam from the bath water envelopes the whole toilet room giving the impression the water is unnaturally hot, but I can’t seem to feel it. There’s slight warmth against my body but I don’t actually feel the temperature.

“Hey,” I croak out after a few minutes. “I thought these cabins didn’t have showers.”

John and Angel laugh loudly, shedding some of their nervous tension.

“Well hello to you too, Trey.” Angel tries to smile but he doesn’t get very far.

“My cabin is the only one with a shower and bath set,” John says, bending down to put his hand in the water.

“OUCH!” He yells, yanking his fingers away instantly. Where the water touched his skin is now a bright, angry red and he shakes his fingers. “Aren’t you burning?” He asks incredulously.

I shake my head. “I don’t feel anything.”

Angel and John share a look of horror before turning their sad eyes to me.

“That’s not good at all,” Angel remarks. I bite back my sarcastic comment and sink lower into the water, willing myself to feel something, anything at all. My body doesn’t respond to my wishes and I continue to be numb.

“What the hell happened to you?” John asks after a few moments of silence. I slowly look up at him and see pity in his gaze.

A violent shudder runs through me suddenly and I shake for a long time before I manage to bring it into control.

“I ran away into the woods—and—and L-Louis followed me and then—” I cut myself off with a gasp. “Louis! Where is he?”

I am halfway out of the tub faster than John and Angel can blink.

“Woah, slow down Trey! He’s alright. He’s in the lounge with the team piled underneath blankets,” John informs me, reaching out to steady me. I push him away, stepping out of the bathtub quickly and slipping and nearly falling on the tile floors.

“Why isn’t he in hot water? Blankets aren’t going to do shit against hypothermia!” I yell at the two of them, stalking my way carefully toward the door.

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