chapter 2

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I softly yawn as I turn over in my bed, snuggling deeper into my covers. Both arms are tucked under my pillow as I try drifting back to sleep. Suddenly, my eyes shoot open. My hands. Both my hands are under my pillow. Quickly, I take my left hand out and examine it. On my wrist I can see a red line of irritation where I had yanked on the handcuff. He must've taken them off after I fell asleep. But that means he must've still been here for a while. I fling my covers back and jump out of bed.

A sharp pain stabs me in my head and I nearly fall to the floor. I squeeze the sides of my skull with my hands, trying to push out the pain. I nearly pass out at the effort, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

Gradually, the pain subsides and I stand up straight, biting my lip cautiously. Once I am sure my little episode is over, I cautiously run to my bedroom door and slam it open, sprinting into my lounge room. I spin around, searching for him. All I can see are his blue eyes burned into my memory. I find him lying on my couch passed out. I grit my teeth, my anger coming back from last night. I slowly walk over to him and once I am standing in front of the couch, I punch him in the stomach.

"OOF!" He groans loudly, gasping in pain. I fix him with a deadly stare as his eyes open, widening at the sight of me.

"Hello." I give him a wry smile, shaking out my hand to relieve some of the pain from hitting him. Louis' blue eyes dart back and forth, avoiding my gaze.

"Dear God," he whispers. I pull him to his feet and he whines until I slam him into the wall.

"Why did you handcuff me to my bed, Louis?" I demand, pressing him harder into the wall. He tries removing my elbow from his neck but I control his arms, keeping him where he is.

"You were going-to regret your-decision later," he manages to gasp out, ignoring my question whilst wiggling underneath my hold.

"How do you know I would've regretted it?" I say in a low voice, getting close to his face. His blue eyes search mine and I stare back at him unblinking.

"Because you were drunk!"

"Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean I can't think for myself!" I shout back at him, totally fed up with his 'regret' reiteration.

"That's exactly what it means! Your judgment is clouded, you're not yourself!" He grits his teeth as he pushes against me. I struggle to keep him against the wall as I watch him carefully.

"Why did you handcuff me to the bed Louis," I ask again gruffly, baring my teeth. Louis avoids my gaze once again and I grab a fistful of his shirt.

"You still didn't answer my question," I say, clenching my jaw as I bring him closer to me and slam him back into the wall again.

"I will-if you let me-go!" Louis breathes as he finally shoves my hands off him. I gasp in surprise as he spins me around and pins me up against the wall instead, propping his knee against my thigh. I snarl at him, trying to force his knee off me.

"What are you doing?" I shout.

"Keeping you under control!" Louis shouts back, sounding out of breath. After a few moments I stop wiggling, allowing Louis to catch his breath.

"I handcuffed you to the bed so you wouldn't come after me." He explains.

I glare at him, puffing my hair out of my face. "What makes you think I would come after you?" I ask haughtily, my anger growing slightly. He smirks at me, taking his hands off my shoulders but not removing his knee.

"By the way you were screaming my name after I cuffed you made it obvious."

I size him up; his hot breath fans across my face and I close my eyes briefly, taking in the close proximity of his body to mine.

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