chapter 38

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"Alright, Rory, sleep tight ok kiddo?" Louis whispers, his head peeking in her room. I hear her giggle from the hallway and struggle to keep the smirk off my face. She's so whipped.

I hear a low mumbling before Louis is laughing, the beautiful sound washing over me. Yeah, he's got us both whipped.

I walk into the kitchen and grab another juice box, hopping up onto the counter. Louis comes in a second later, traces of a smile still on his face.

"She's adorable."

"She likes you."

"Would you shut up? She's seven for God's sake!"

"Doesn't mean it's not true," I press, enjoying making him squirm.

"Whatever," is his lame response. He wanders into the lounge and I hear a quick gasp.

Hopping off the counter, I run into the lounge, expecting to see a burglar half in the window and Louis wielding a weapon. But instead, I see Louis practically crying over a drum set that's in the corner of the room.

"I have this exact set at home!" He exclaims, running his fingertips over the instruments. "It's in even better condition than mine. John must not play it much—or ever."

He's mumbling to himself, longing in his eyes and I have to snort.

"So this is what you look like when you come undone?" I cross my arms over my chest and cock a smile.

"Trey!" Drumsticks are launched at me and I duck just in time. "That was incredibly inappropriate!"

"But true?" I ask my grin widening. My heart is beating wildly in my chest just looking at Louis in this state never mind the incredible expression on his face. I feel my palms begin to grow sweaty and my knees tremble ever so slightly.

His blue eyes search mine for a few moments, seeming to study every inch of my soul and take it with him. I open my mouth again to speak but all I can do is pant. Louis grins.

"True," he says with a shrug of his shoulders. I breathe out a laugh, more to cover up my intense reactions to him than anything else, and unsteadily sit on the sofa.

"Play me a song."

Louis glances at me. "I could never. It's not my drum set, Trey."

I shrug. "Pretend."

"I'm not going to play John's drum set, Trey, that's not right." Louis is adamant but so am I.

"No one is going to know. I most certainly won't tell them. Rory won't tell them because she's asleep. Just play me a song, a quick one, and then we can go do something boring like watching the TV or something."

Louis hesitates and I grow restless. I stand up and walk over to him slowly, bending down so we're face-to-face.

"Please?" I ask with my best puppy-dog face in my best innocent-girl voice. Louis caves immediately. It's almost comical how fast he agrees, but I'm too busy being distracted by his everything to laugh. His eyes dilate as soon as the word leaves my lips and he leans forward almost automatically. Our noses just barely touch when I come to my senses and awkwardly fall back, hitting my head on the sofa.

"Ow," I moan, rubbing the back of my skull. Louis chuckles and clears his throat, sitting on the stool behind the drums.

Jesus Christ that was a close one. You're a screw-up you know that, Trey?

"Hey Trey?"

"Yeah?" I ask breathlessly.

"Can you throw me back those drumsticks?"

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