22. You are her brother?

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Jason's Pov:

I got shocked hearing Triya. My eye are about to pop out of their sockets. "Triya, are you sure about Jessy being missing?" I asked her.

While Triya started trembling "Actually Jason, Jessy just went to school with my siblings....Jessy left school early as she was not feeling well. So after taking half day leave, she came back home. Trima and Tishmoy came back after end of the day and asked about Jessy but came to know she never came back. Pimani informed everyone and all of them quickly came back home to start searching for Jessy.

Chhordabhai(Trimoy) called me to come back home as I was the home who took her responsibility of her." Tears started flowing from her eyes... I can feel little amount of fear that she is feeling inside her heart.

I mind linked my father about Jessy.... I can feel his anger through our mind link....I offered Triya ride to Bose mansion in hope of some how getting involve in search of his baby sister. Enough is enough....who dared to hurt Princess of Moonlight dynasty....!

Third person pov:

Both quickly reached Bose mansion to see police cars. Without wasting anymore time....they entered into the house to see police officers are interrogating the matter with some extra people.

"Maa! Dibhai came back...." Trima said loudly to her maa. While all the heads snapped towards Triya and Jason. One of the stranger lady came forward and asked "Are you Triya who took responsibility of Ms. Jessy?"
Triya nodded her head to indicate yes in her reply. The lady sighed...."Ma'am we trusted you with her....but well now when we find her....we need to think twice about her custody. "

Tears started falling from her eyes..."Ma'am please bring her back to us.... I don't have any idea....she is an obedient girl....she is in problem for sure.... please.... please" she begged in front of that women by folding her hands together.....Jason was standing behind her and fuming with anger seeing his Luna queen in such miserable state in front of a low life.

He stepped forward and stood beside Triya glaring at the lady. The lady turned pale seeing him. The whole New York City knows him.... everyone knows how cruel he can be. The lady's already paled face lost all the colours seeing Jason holding Triya around her shoulder. "Si...sir....I... I was.... I was...just...just....just... actually.."the lady started shivering. "I will make you sorry....get out!" Jason yelled at her. She quickly went back to her place. Jason took Triya near her family members. Seeing him...all the officers became stiff...."Officer, she was not feeling very well....she even took permission from authorities before coming back to home....and....and....oh yes.... I remember.... actually there was an aunty who lives near our school.
Today when we were coming back. She asked us why today Jessy came out of school early? she is an old lady lives there with her family....so we always used to speak with her before going towards our school or may be sometimes coming back to home." Trima replied to an question asked by an officer.

The officer nodded and said..."So Jessy passed by that lady's home just like everyday." The officer asked more questions to all the family members....then Jason was quite all along. He has already mind-linked his tracker wolves to find his sister.

Triya came forward wiping her tears...."Officer....can we come with you guys.....she is very shy....she might get scared.... I....she.... actually.... please!" She is just out of any word. Jason was about to hold her when her brother Tishmoy came forward to hold her to give her some support.
The officer nodded but said...."Yes, but you can't interfere in our investigation....you can only come if we find any link." saying that he took his leave.

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