9. Loves makes us strong

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Yup, guys....I am back with another update.....

I thought as a compensation of my late Update I should Update another chapter....

Yes....yes....tell me thank you at last but now read the chapter my dear readers...😘😘😘



Everyone was enjoying the ceremony.....suddenly Tishmoy came running towards Triya...

"Dibhai....Trima ney!"( sister! Trima is not there) -he said hupping.

" What! Ki bolchis...?"(What are you saying...? - Triya asked in a terrified voice.

"Yes! She suddenly disappeared...I heard her screams from far away..."- Tishmoy informed.

Triya didn't wait for further information without thinking....she quickly rushed towards Jason...she herself doesn't know why but she thought that may be Jason could make everything right.

Jason was talking with his ex-betas and ex-gammas suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see his mate Triya.

"What happened mat....Triya? "- Jason asked her as he saw his mate trembling with fear.

" Jason! my sister suddenly disappeared...she was screaming for help...sa..ve... her.."- saying that she started crying hugging Jason as if he will disappear if  she let him go.

Jason's blood boiled hearing that his mate's sister is in danger....

His wolf Aaron was howling in pain seeing his mate cry.

Triya suddenly came out of  her messed state and realised her position with Jason....she quickly make herself release from this hug.

Jason is a fucking king...how dare....someone hurt his mate's family....

"Don't worry Triya...I am here. " - He reassured his mate that he will make everything correct.

They went towards others to info rm about it..

Risha broke into tears and started begging God to bring back her daughter in a bengali....while Eric and Noah's parents looked towards her as they could not understand the language.

Back to present....

Jason is now ready with Eric and Noah to go on a searching hunt for Trima....

When suddenly they felt a presence behind them....

They turned around to see Triya and Meghla...

"We will go with you people..."- Meghla said with determination

" Yes....I will bring back my sister..."- Triya added.

Jason, Eric and Noah was about to refuse when Emik came in front of them...and said...

"Let them go....you people will need them."

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