6. Their Possessiveness

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Here is another update for you all....thank you for your support. I hope you people will appreciate my work like this in future.


After the ceremony got completed, everyone is busy in talking with each other.

Jason is becoming impatient....he just cannot tolerate that his mate is exposed to such a huge gathering. He wants to hide her from the world. Jason knew due to mate bond for every male mate his own mate is beautiful but the girl whom he is seeing in front of him... She is something else....Jason would have left his own mate for this girl if any other girl was his mate.... I mean now he practically has to guard her everywhere instead of fulfilling his Royal duties.

Now his rivals will not come after his kingdom but after this beauty. Jason needs to have her now....she is so beautiful. But why there is so many of males roaming around her....why?

Eric is lost in his mate's beauty. He just wants to have a talk with her. To know her name.

And Noah, he just wants to take his mate away from everyone....

Here, Supratha is all ready with her plan. But first she wants to try the easy way out. So, she went near Mrs. Choudhary.

"Reema di! amader Meghu ta ki bodo hoye geche na."( Reema di! see our Meghu has grown up so much.) - Supratha exclaimed with happiness.

"Yes....that she has." - Reema replied knowing where this conversation will go.

"My Son Sumir told me how intelligent she is....and my Sumir...he has recently thinking of starting a business....my child is going to be a millionaire one day, moreover they looks good together"- Supratha said it looking towards Reema.

"Yup, my Meghu is good but also independent so she knows with whom she looks good." - Reema replied back...and walked away from there.

Supratha is now fuming in anger....her eyes started searching for her son....who is busy in flirting with a American chick.

She went near him and dragged him to the corner.

" What happened Maa? "- Sumir asked with frustration.

"Listen...stop flirting with random fish and start aiming for the golden fish." - Supratha whispered to her son...but her son gave her a confused look.

"Go... flirt with Meghla....after that try to spike her drink...then take her to a room when she become unconscious...then claim her. After that Meghla has to marry you...."- Supratha explained to her son.

"But Maa she slapped me one time when I tried to flirt with her." - Sumir said with anger.

"Listen! Just do as I say OK... after marriage we will make her our slave, then once her parents handover their business in your name....then you can give her divorce and then I will make you marry another rich girl....alright?" - Supratha suggested her son.

(Supratha is a dreamer...oops! a failed dreamer)

Sumir nodded and decided to search for an opportunity.
Here, Jason, Eric, Noah are constantly looking towards their mates who are gossiping with the bride.
"Ta Didibhai amar to mone hoy na, je Ash da r bondhu gulo amader songe tokkor diye parbe."( Sister I don't think Ash's friends will be able to compete with us)- Tiya said to Pritha in a teasing voice.

"Exactly, after all we are Indians...no one will be able to compete with us."- Triya said with attitude.

"Well Ash's friends are not less than you guys."- Pritha defended her would be husband's friends.

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