17. Raksha-bandhan

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Guys I am tired...I mean this is the longest update I gave so far...that's why it took me time to
finish...so be ready to be ready this chapter. But one thing
I can assure you that this chapter is going to be a bit emotional....so grab you tissue papers
before starting to read it and please also vote for this chapter....and yes follow me on Instagram for the updates.....

....and guys plz share this story if you like....


"Who did this to my son?" Triya and Jason both snapped their head towards the sound....Jason already who it could be....but Triya quickly ran towards the sound came from upstairs and Jason just followed his mate. Reaching there the scene in front them shocked Triya. Well for Jason he already knows.

Ram is lying on the floor looking half dead with bruised body. Every member of the house are gathered around him....Supratha is doing her over acting because she knows who exactly can do it....but still she has reveal it by showing her emotional drama.

"What happened to Ram da....?" Trima asked to Supratha. She just continued her crying session and replied..."I don't know....oh my son...who is the monster who did this? My child is so innocent....oh maa durga! Whoever did this, please punish that person....no no not person... monster, she said glaring at Jason."

Instead of looking terrified, Jason smirked and rolled his eyes...he is a king and this old lady has nerves to glare at him... thinking about it only make him laugh.

"May be he did something to get these bruises on his body and face.... don't you think?" Tishmoy asked asked rolling his eyes. Supratha snapped her head towards Tishu....while Promika pulled Tishu behind her like a protective sister-in-law. After all her Tishu was in her protection.

Jaisy started trembling in fear that may be now this lady will revealed the truth and she will be kicked out of this house. What pathetic fate she has. Being a werewolf princess, she is living a life of an orphan who has no place to call home.

Supratha internally smirked....as now it's her show time. She needs to take revenge from them. She even has a pathetic almost impossible plan but if she make it work then she didn't have to go through problems of her middle class life. Meghla was saved as she has family but no one will avenge the little bitch Jaisy.

"Why don't you people ask this bitch...? " Supratha smirked pointing towards Jaisy who started trembling.
"Enough Pishimoni....this is too much for you to blame an innocent girl like that. " Tishmoy yelled in a low voice.

"But Jaisy was present along with Jason with him at that time. Why are you all not asking them anything? Moreover, are you people sure that this girl is not hiding anything from you us....better to say, from you all? I am not in this 'us'as I know everything." She glared at Jaisyvas she doesn't have guts to look at Jason because he has doesn't gives her good vibes.

Jason's eyes are now red....all he can see is red.....how dare this witch is pointing fingers at him. He again closed his eyes for controlling himself and instead of showing anger....he smirked at her. Jason knows this lady wants to play hard then fine, he is also not backing away from this play of lies. He looked towards Triya and innocently replied "Actually your pishimoni is right, I and Jaisy was there."

Listening to the confession of Jason, everyone got shocked but decided not to say anything until Jason finished explaining himself. Jason then faced everyone and added "I was talking to Jaisy suddenly I don't know from where this lady and her son came. First I thought they wanted to join us but they started accusing me and Jaisy of plotting against this family. I just know after that this lady went away and her son started giving Jaisy offer of sleeping with him so I just threatened him to stay in limit and walked away with Jaisy but who did this to him....I don't know." He made an innocent face of a gentleman which he was far away from.

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