28. Burnt face

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Well the next chapter is ready....hope u all will vote and comment....

''Jesse's dead body is found....they are bringing it back to our mansion....but...'' Triya dont know how to complete the statement...

''But....'' Susan tried to know.

''But....Jason is not picking up the call...neither any of his family...its weird...'' Triya has no idea what to believe anymore...strangely...her heart is not even aching....

Susan knows something is not adding up....so she called someone....

Triya looked at her with questions in her eyes....she could not understand what Susan is trying to say....''Hello! Yup...its Susan...can u tell me whats happening in Palace....yeah...yeah...what! How! But....okay okay...dont tell anyone I called....''

''What happened '' Triya lost her patience at that point...Susan sighed...''Triya...something is very very very much wrong....In palace...There is another Jesse...who is not dead...they found her...and doing''Dremoga Cosmilanda''

''What milanda?'' Triya could not even pronounce it...''Its a ritual...to heal....''Susan explained...

''But why not go to a hospital...? But where should I go now...who is real Jesse...?'' Triya screamed in frustration...

Susan too got confused...one is imposter...one is real Jesse...and another is dead...like she has no idea...''You should first visit your home first''

Triya looked at her with dilemma... ''Are you sure...?'' Susan nodded...

Without waiting anymore...she went back to Bose mansion....only to see a scenario of crime scene...funeral...

Police, Ambulence, reporters....and her family...with a body lying on the ground covered with white sheet...

She moved closer....her mother ran towards her...''Oh Tri maa...look what happened to her Jesse....what was even her age...'' She hugged her daughter and started shobbing....

Triya just looked at the body....getting away from her maa's hug...she went near her...with her shivering hands...she uncovered the body only to see
.....her face....
Her face is burnt....
......very badly....
Triya quickly covered the body with the white sheet....her head snapped towards police...''How did u knew this body belongs to Jesse?''with confusion in her eyes...

''Madame....this body matches every description of the girl Jesse.....her age is around 15....she has those scars u all describe...then...yes...she also have this bracelet around her wrist....which we took in our custody for investigation.. ''
a british cop replied....

''But why only her face is burnt...? Not something else as if trying hide identity... How can we be sure...officer?'' Trima asked...understanding her sister's view...

The cop sighed...''Young lady....dont worry, we are trying to get in contact with Mr. Jason, her brother to get DNA test....then we can confirm...''

Tiya questioned...''Then why you are handing over her dead body...isn't it necessary for you to keep it with u all you in custody...?''

The lady cop replied....''Yes mam....we have need to have your consent...first...as you all are the people who filed complaint...''

Triya somehow was sure...its not her Jesse....''Take it back....unless you all are sure...its our Jesse....''

''But Tri shona...'' her father tried to stop her...but Triya was confident... ''No bapi, its not ur Jesse....I know its not....''.

Saying it....Triya run inside the mansion....after locking her herself inside her room...she took out a paper from her drawer where a number was written.....she dialed a number.....it was not saved number

After trying for 8 times....someone picked the call...''Hello!....'' The person from other side answered....

''Hello!....why were u not picking up my calls....?'' Triya asked angrily....

''How did you got my this number Triya?''....the man asked...

But she was not in mood of explanation....''I have my source....Mr. Jason....''

All she got is a sigh...''Sorry....! I was in a mess....I....''

Triya lost her temper...''Really....Jason..
Jesse is missing...cops are here with her dead body outside our mansion...but at the same time...you have Jesse in our mansion...may I know What the hell is happening...?''

''What...! But...I am coming....'' Jason cut the call....

Now all she have to do is wait....


#what do you think will be the secret...?

#Do u think Jesse is dead...? Or alive...?

#who do u think Jesse is...?

So my next update will be soon....

Yours author

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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