2. His life

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Hey guys....I am back with another chapter. Thanks for your votes...your votes inspired me to write another chapter....it's a reward from me to you people...love u all for the great support.

Okay, guys one of my readers requested me to give the translation of bengali words to English words or the names by which we are referring to any person or relatives....so for my Hindi and English readers....I am giving the meaning of some words.

• Jethumoni : Elder uncle.
• Jemma: Elder aunty
• Bapi : Father
• Dadabhai: Elder brother
• Chhordabhai: Younger elder brother.
• Pishi : Aunty (father's sister).
•Didibhai : Elder Sister.
• Kakai: Younger uncle
• Kakimoni: Younger aunty.
• Choto maa: Younger mother(refers to younger aunty or someone like your mother but younger in position than your mother).

So, that's all...please vote for this chapter also.


New York City....

" So man, what do you think...we will be able to find them? " - Eric,the Royal beta of Moonlight Royal pack asked to his Alpha.

" We will find them man...but when we do...we are gonna make them realise who are in-charge." - Jason, the alpha king replied with a smirk sitting on his chair at his office.

" Common man, we didn't even know them....and you are planning to torture them?" - Noah, the royal gamma asked him.

" Well we are royals....we will have needs....and they will be our personal slaves...only ours..." - Jason replied with a growl of arousal.

" Calm down man.... thinking about her is making you aroused...how will you control yourself after you see her..?" - Eric asked with a smirk.

" Whatever, we should finish our work fast..." - Noah said with a bored expression.

" Guys...next week...we are going to Ash's wedding na...?" - Jason enquired.

" Yup, man I can't believe he is going to get married....soon...that to an Indian girl." - Noah replied with disgust in his voice.

" May be we will find our or one of our's mate there." - Eric said with a plain expression.

" Well I think it will be better not to have an Indian mate...they are conservative duh...poor Ash marring a virgin girl...hahaaaa" - Jason replied back to Eric by laughing loudly.

" So, don't you guys want your mate to be Virgin?" - Eric asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Yup, but Indian girls are too fragile to tolerate us..." - Noah replied back to Eric.

The moonlight Royal pack is situated near the forest area in New York city, America, the area is huge where every live as a pack. Government doesn't have access to it due to supernatural occurance....people avoid going there so it is very much easy for werewolves to roam there in their wolf form.

He is the Alpha king of most of the U.S.A region...his kingdom covers most of the U.S.A parts... including New York, Alabama and Texas etc...whereas, only Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho, some parts of south Dakota and Wyoming comes under the Aplha king of that region is David Lee Lunarlight's kingdom...he is a coward king...whose only motive is to play tricks and capture others land but those tricks fired him back and 50 % of his region was given to Moonlight Royal pack by Council members. So he hates Moonlight pack.

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