12. Triya dibhai...

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Well guys, this is one of my longest updates.....though I am not getting enough response from my readers....if you people feel bore in any point....just dm me...and I will delete my book from this platform....

Without setting any targets like other authors I am updating....and you guys are not even bothering to just click on the ⭐  to vote....is it taking your money....no na they why would you do that?

My reads on every chapter are almost same and vote also. The difference between reads and votes are not same....this is the last warning....I only know how I have written this chapter in one day.....just because you people wanted quick updates....
but if in this chapter I don't get 100 votes..I am not updating the next chapter.😐

Don't blame me....as I warned you all so many times....writing a chapter is not that easy...when you have college assignments or preparing for online exams....

No I am not telling that I have any problem in writing.....as I love writing books....its just I get so less response for my work....that I feel worthless...I doesn't feel like to write anything more...🙁

If I don't get enough response for this work then...I have to end the book within more 7 chapters....

So please vote as I have decided a long plot for it....but if I don't get enough response then I will change the plot and end it in a casual manner just like any other werewolf stories....😞

Now enough of my sad speech...reas the chapter I hope you all will enjoy it....😊


Tishu!...where is the girl...? - Triya aake her baby brother...

Tishu was crying hugging her like a baby. Triya has never saw her little baby bro crying like that....

"Dibhai! She is in room no. 325. When me and Triya went out to pick all the flower jewelries from the flower jewelry designer Mr. Singh, but those were not ready so we were coming back. On the way....we saw her....she was battered, broken...and....and blood was coming out of her every part.....*Tishu started stammering*....I took her in my arms and brought her here....and rest you know already....

Triya pov:

In my whole life I have never saw Tishu crying over something like that...the haldi ceremony....was tomorrow so we all were busy in preparing for the next day.....


Maa sent Trima and Tishu to the flower jewelry designer for the haldi ceremony this morning....I was not feeling good due to yesterday's incident....at 8 am, maa came to me complaining how Tishu and Trima are irresponsible as they were not picking up her phone....when I called them....still no one was receiving the calls.

Everyone in the house were already in trauma due to yesterday's incident. Maa was not going to sent Trima for this work outside but Trima insisted her saying she needs fresh air for a change of mood. Bapi was as usual, ordered Trima to help in Pritha's didibhai's marriage as much as possible. Pimani(Sudeshna) got very angry on Bapi saying that he actually doesn't deserve to be a father....but this time Trima saved bapi from my Pimani saying how important it is for her to go outside to have fresh air....so, yeah she was allowed but with Tishu....

They were supposed to come back after 2 hours but 3 hours had already passed there was no sign of my little siblings.....

Maa was in tension....still she didn't inform anyone about it....so she came to me...

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