24. The only werewolf Princess

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It's been two days, the search for Jessy is still going on....no one found a single information about her.

Triya took 2 weeks leave from university to get involve with the police to search for Jessy....

There Jason has went to council to discuss....

“Alpha king....we already told you that abortion was the best option...but your father....former king refused it. When we suggested adoption.... again royal family refused....now what can we do?” the councillor asked Jason with stern voice. Jason glared at him...“Just Because my sister took birth with a special power that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve life...or her family....”

One of the member chuckled...“Really Your highness? You guys made that girl suffered just because you want to keep her with you...but did it worked...? No...the answer is no. We suggested her highness to abort the baby as it can cause problem....she decided to keep it calling us murderers....and when we suggested adoption among packs...you guys refused. Do you think we are insensitive that we don't care about a life? The truth is we were trying to save that life from any further trauma....but you guys assured us that royals will be able protect the special powers the baby will have. But now we or you have no idea has no idea where she is....”

Jason lost his cool and picked up the member with one hand and threw him at the near by wall. His wolf is already out of control.... thirsty of blood.... hungry for the flesh of the bastards who dared to take away his baby sister....and on top of it...that member tried to mock his situation...how dare he!

“You low life should keep your mouth shut.... understand! But if you want a painful death then you can again dare to open your mouth.... don't forget with whom you are talking to....” Jason growled loudly at him. His wolf was surfacing his human body structure.

Others members didn't even flinched....they just sighed....they already warned the member about the most cruel Alpha king of the world....still he decided to test his patience boundary....

This time council leader decided to open his mouth “As much as disrespectful he was...Alpha King Jason....he is not totally wrong....still we will try our best....the most we can do is to sent information to all the kingdoms about searching Princess.....The only werewolf Princess alive....”

In Bose mansion

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In Bose mansion

It's been two days, there was no news of Jessy....the whole family is just praying God to send just one hint about her whereabouts. The most disturbed one was Triya....she can't believe the person whom she considered as her friend was actually an abuser....she hates abusers....

“Tri....Triya...!” a voice came from her behind. She turned around to see Piya standing near her door calling her.

“Yes...boudimoni....do you need something?” Triya asked while standing up from her bed.

Piya shook her head to say no....“Actually, Police officer came...they found something...”

Triya proceeded towards Piya then again she added another shocking information....“....and Triya....Jason is also present.”

This piece of information stopped her in her tracks....but she decided to go downstairs...just for Jessy...yes just only for Jessy....
In living hall

“Officer what happened? Did you find any information....?” Subhankar asked the officer....

“Mr. Dudda(wrongly pronouncing the surname in his American accent) we found something about Miss. Jessy....and according to the footage of cctv near her school....we saw she stopped in her way to this house as a woman approached her....she knew the lady as the lady was talking to her by touching her head and shoulder....as much as my experience eyes knows....a teen will never let anyone touch him or her like that whom they don't know....right?”

“What do you mean by she knows...
she is my freaking sister... I know her...she just know my people who would never dare to do anything like that....and other than that...she knows this family...who loves her...”Jason growled making everyone shocked...and the officer whimper.

Shubha(Triya's father) crunched his nose in distaste of Jason's behaviour....he used to like Jason but now he can't even have any kind of respect for him as a human being. He may not be a jolly person....but always used to love Jessy as his daughter...love her as he knows what it feels like to be helpless. He is grateful to his God as he had his dada and didi that time....but poor Jessy got betrayed by her own family. He was about to put Jason in his place but before that....

“You should keep your voice in check Mr. Jason Ermes Moonlight...” a voice roared from the stairs. Jason's eyes widened due to recognition. It's his mate's voice. His wolf got sad due to lack of love in his mate's voice.

Triya got down from stairs and walked towards the cops....“Officer....I hate to say...but Jason is right....Jessy is an introvert, she can never speak without shuttering much...we will like to see the footage...may be we can recognise the lady.” The officer nodded and motioned to his colleague to play the footage.

Jason kept looking at Triya with his eyes begging her to look at her for once. He smiled sadly and decided to concentrate on his sister.

The other officer opened her laptop and attached the USB drive and after finding the footage....she clicked on play....then turned the screen towards the family.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen....

In the footage they can see...Jessy coming from the direction of her school towards the adjacent main road suddenly a car stopped near her.... everyone's eyes came out of their sockets in shock excluding Jason.

“This...this car belongs to us but let's see....” Sudeshna said and then she stopped to wait for the person who is going to come out from that car. A lady came out....they can't see the face of the person....

The lady went near Jessy and both started having conversation....then the lady started forcing Jessy to sit inside the car...in a good manner while Jessy was shooking her head in no with smile while they can see the woman trying hard to convince her. Then after few attempts...Jessy got inside. At last the lady turned towards the camera and put off her goggles.
Everyone got shocked to see the face of the lady...but everyone has only one question....why? Why would she do that?

Jason's knuckles turned white in anger as he recognised the woman clearly....but now only one person can give answers to his questions or may be help him about this lady...

He took out his phone and dialled the person who will be his next step towards finding his baby sister....

*tring tring.... tring.... tring....*
The person picked up the call

“Hello!....” a voice came from the other side...

Jason sighed....“Hello! Ash....where are you?”


So what do you think about the chapter?

....and who do you think the lady is?

To know stay tuned and complete the target soon....next chapter bis going to be more interesting....


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