16. Jealous Jaisy...

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So guys, I am here with an another update....this chapter is going to be interesting. I hope you all will love it.

And Supratha hater's be ready with sandals in your hand....why? Well read the chapter....I don't need to say anything.

.....and also follow me on instagram....

There I will launch the sneek peaks of upcoming chapters of my story.

So without more chit-chat....start reading it....


Jason turned around to see Supratha with a man whose age will be around Jason only.

"Oh! So, little girl got back her brother huh...does Triya knows that the girl she is taking care of, reunited with her elder brother?" Supratha smirked while the man whom Jaisy once heard Triya addressing as Ram kept a neutral expression.

"What do you want lady....speak up?" Jason asked with attitude....after all he is a king whom no one can blackmail.

But before Supratha got chance to reply Ram bit her on it and said "Bodomaa, you go, I will handle from here." he reassured her with his eyes to go from here....Supratha just smirked and walked away. She knew her nephew will able to hit an unexpected jackpot.

"So, little slut has an elder brother also....huh." he taunted.....a low growl left Jason's mouth. If it was not for keep their existence a secret, he would have killed this bastard in a fraction of second.

"Don't you dare insult her, you low life." Jason threatened in his Alpha voice.

Ram just laughed at him....while Jaisy hide behind Jason. Jason just wanted to plucked his teeth....but cannot or else people will have doubt on him.

"Oh! she slept with God knows with how many men....so, why so angry on a fact that is a walking truth." Ram smirked while he tilted his head to see Jaisy hiding behind Jason's figure.

"How dare you bastard....she is a princess, you are just eligible to be her slave...." Jason's voice roared not enough loud to reach to the main hall

"Why are you so angry huh?.....it is like that she has no experience....in fact she is expert....if I can also have pleasure to have a little taste of this amazing creation....then what's the problem dude." Ram knows that he is crossing his limits but for a good sex and that to with a teen girl, he is ready to loose any limit. While Jaisy is shivering due to fear as she knows her brother will surely hand her over to any man who can torment her. After all that's not anything new for her. Her eyes watered at the thought. She can't go through any more molestation but who will dare to stop the Alpha king....no one.

Aaron started growling inside Jasoncs head...."How dare he?...huh...he is blackmailing us and wants us to that terrible sin again. Let me out Jason, I will rip him apart."

Jason closed his eyes to control his anger...."Go away you low life or else...I WILL KILL YOU."

This time Ram narrowed his eyes at Jason...."Common man....think about it...think about your dear Triya, what will she do if by chance she came to know about you being her brother. As much as Triya informed us that this girl is just a American bitch whose family treated her like a crap...and who was being used as a sex toy by many men at past...so there is nothing wrong in my demand. I mean I will have a good sex with this slut and your secret will remain secret only."

Before Jason could say anything, Jaisy pleading Ram..."No no... please don't do that...I will...I will not let you touch me....Triya...di...dibhai will sa...save me...me...and she will...she will not let...you tou...touch me... please don't do that."

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