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Hey, guys I have written many stories but I thought this time I should try something different. I like werewolf stories and Romantic stories both in wattpad....so I thought let's make a mashup...well I am writing something that may be different but you all won't be dissappointed....lets start with a small scene.....


A girl is standing in front of a pack of wolves, she is protecting someone behind her.

Suddenly the wolves started to demorphed into humans.

The leader, who is standing in front of everyone came forward and warned her in a cold voice..."move girl, I don't wanna hurt a human like you. "

" But you cannot harm him without harming me. "- she replied back to him with a cold voice.

" You still have doubt what I can do and what can't...? Huh. " - the leader started laughing with his pack saying this to her.

" Yes, I vowed in front of fire to protect him and his family, so you have to defeat me to kill him. " - she said with a calm voice.

" You humans really have great dreams...you really think that you will be able to stop me...the great Alpha king David Lee Lunarlight? "- He asked her with a growl.

" Yes, because I have faith in my God, Maa Durga and Mahadev gave me thier blessings, you can be powerful than me but not than them. " - she replied to him.

He got angry and asked her...." Who the hell is this mae duga and Medev? X
in his American accent.

" They are God's of all gods...your moon goddess from whom you all get power is just a jewelry wore by Mahadev in his hairs. " - she replied with a smirk.

" How dare you bitch that you insult our goddess? " - The Alpha king snarled at her.

" I didn't insult anyone, I just remind you your place Alpha king, you defeated my husband with your tricks. " - she replied with the same calm voice.

" Who the hell are you bitch?... huh...you think you will be able to save you mate from me.?...hahaha...never... you are not ever as powerful as your mate....yes, I agree I defeated him with my tricks but for you, my Omegas are enough to kill you..." - He said with a smirk.

" I am equal to him....and I am able to save him also...yes you are right....I am his mate...and I am equally powerful like him..of course there is reason, I am his mate....his Ardhangini. " - She replied with a smile....


Hey guys,

So here is the prologue, I will be soon updating...but after some days...but I promise you people won't be dissappointed about his story....as it will be a mixture of werewolf and Indian romantic drama...so staytuned for updates.


His ArdhanginiWhere stories live. Discover now