1. Triya's life

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Well guys first I thought that I will give update on this when my other books would be complete but seeing your support I decided to give update on at least first few chapters.

I hope you like the chapter, though it would be a simple update but very important one though. So please read it.


Birds are chirping, sun already took his place on the east chair of the sky, everyone got busy in their morning routine except one person in the Dutta mansion.

" Shona wake up, don't you have some important work today? hmm" - a lady of middle age asked her daughter entering her room.

" Hmm, uthchi maa, uthchi, eto chitkaar korcho keno? "( Waking up,mom, I am waking up, why are you shouting?.- the girl asked her in a dizzy voice.

" Oh!, so now I am shouting....don't you have work today...like going to shopping with your bestie Meghla? " - her maa asked her raising an eye brow....placing her hands on her hips.

The girl quickly got out of her bed...

"Thanks maa, mone koriye deoyar jonno" (Thanks mom, for reminding me).- she said to her maa and rushed towards the bathroom.

"Ki je hobe meyetar...uff! "(What will happen to this girl...uff!) - her maa exclaimed.

That girl is no one other than Triya Dutta....apple of everyone's eye.

Triya's Pov:

Well, hello people....I am Triya Dutta, the princess of this house. I live in Kolkata city. I am 21 years old...and is now ready to start my masters. If you ask me 'whom I love the most?' , then my answer would be too big. I have a long list of loved ones. Today I am going to shopping with my bestie Meghla, my cousin sissy Tiya wanted to come but got stuck with my younger sister Trima who wants her mejdibhai(middle elder sister in Bengali) to help to do her assignment.

I quickly went inside my bathroom which can be compared to a room, I don't know why we really need so much big bathroom. Whatever I did my morning routines and entered my closest which has to doors....one is in my room and another is inside the bathroom....and came out wearing a beautiful long kurti and jeans.

and came out wearing a beautiful long kurti and jeans

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"Maa! Oh maa! kigo khabar debena? ami berobo to. " (Maa! Oh maa! Will you not give be food? I have to go) - I shouted to my maa coming from upstairs to hear so that she give me my breakfast quickly.

" chitkaar aar chitkaar....ektu shanti raakh baba. " ( Only screaming and screaming....please keep some peace here)- my maa said while coming out of kitchen.

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