19. Queen's duty

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Yes guys here is the update.... I was too busy with some family matters and my health matters. I am still suffering from cough.

Most importantly I was busy with bhai dooj celebration....and my cousin brother got blessed with a baby girl so I was actually busy with these matters....but as a compensation I gave you a long update....so here it is....so what are you guys waiting for? Start reading....

"Who are you Sir and Ma'am? Triya raised her eyebrow as she doesn't recognise this couple. While Jason is continuously blushing.....why the hell he is blushing....Triya frowned but now her main concern is to know who these two peoples are standing infront of her and talking saying something weird things.

"We are Jason's parents....when you earlier came here with the gamma fe... I mean your cousin, we were present that time. Jason already told about you to us." John replied with a smile on his lips while Alice just smiled instead of saying anything.

"ahh Mr. and Mrs. Moonlight I will assume you heard everything so I think you will take me to your leader or king....or whatever you call that person.... I will talk to him about Neon....he needs proper guidance for leading his life.... I am ready to become witness of the whole incident if he in case decides to believe this nasty woman instead of this kid...." Triya said with confidence.

Alice got impressed to see her successor being so bold and honest....it reminds her of her days when she was 22 years old and became queen. Those were some days where her ability was tested every minute but now it's time to handover the responsibility to the successor.

"My child you should take rest.... moreover it's birthday of this little guy...how about we celebrate it first then we all will hear what you have to say about Neon.....I am sure our kin... I mean leader will believe you...." Alice said while smirking at her son.

On the other hand Jason is too happy to have his mate but very much disappointed in himself as his mate just got a bad impression of this kingdom. Not just for Triya but he is known as one of the best king of werewolves. But here he himself is unaware of the matters going inside his royal pack....“That's the reason we need our mate Jason....see she is the one who can fulfill the gap...this kingdom needs it's queen Luna....I need her Jason...see how she is showing her power....oh my goddess...she is mine....only mine....” Aaron growled with possessiveness. “Ours not only yours.” Jason replied growling back at him. Now he understood why a king truly needs his queen. He understood he as a king have to concentrate on official matters but she as a queen have to solve internal problems. His heart felt with warmness saw Neon hiding behind Triya like a little pup as if Triya is his Momma....oh goddess he can't wait her to bear his pups.

“Jason...Jason...!” Jason came out of his thoughts when Triya called him. “Yes Triya?” Jason looked towards his mate....only to see confusion...but why...

“Jason Neon just now told me you are the king...or leader whatever...you are a royal heir who already took his throne.....?” Triya asked after Being whispered her that Jason is the king. Jason nodded....Triya got confused...she never knew America got ant royals... I mean if it was any European or may be Islam countries or Asian then she might have considered but how America can have royal family? She has heard from her Pritha didibhai that America has some Royal families....but as present America is formed with the rejection of the concept of monarchy so it's difficult to find royals....but remaining royals live in the castle and watch over their huge properties which used to be their kingdom...so is Jason a king?

Jason got tensed but nodded his head in response. Triya frowned “Jason believe me this nasty woman is lying....I am telling the truth....I can prove you....” Triya stated with confidence while Jason wants say to Triya that she is the queen....she is the one who should decide....Aaron is growling inside his head.

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