26. I know you...

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Yes I am back....

Yeah yeah you guys are allowed to throw anything at me...

But you know life happens...I was stuck but not anymore...I am not fully back...

But you guys need to fulfill vote target...250 thats not much...


Rick ask...


They saw juliet...their trusted pack doctor...with jessy in her hand.

Jason ran towards them....“What happened...? Tell me...Juli...?''

I''....I jason....I want to confess something....''

What....jason asked curiously...

''Jason, first we need to take jessy to a safer place...then I will confess...''

Jason nodded...

They all came back to palace ....everyone is happy to see their princess back....

Others including police aren't informed....because of all the chaos...

Alisa was caressing her daughter's head...giving it a light massage....

John went towards Juliet....“I was informed...you wanna confess something.... '' sternly...

Juli gulped...she knows...she has no other way but to confess....''Alpha, during luna's 4th pregnancy....Helly told me to declare that the baby is born with omega blood....and if you needed to protect her...you need to make sure she stays weak as any alpha features blooming may kill her existence....and I ....'' Before she can finish she felt a slap on her right cheek...she was slapped by Jason.....''Why juli? Whyyyy? We trsusted u....now speak more...what more you are hiding u bitch....''

Juli again gulped...“Alpha, I first refused but then...she told me she would kill my second son too just like she did with my first son... I got scared and did what a mother would have done...I thought that eventually....everything would be alright but never thought you all will behave like a monster to her...I suggested u to keep her weak...not to torture her....only if I was aware...but I had to leave this pack to ensure my son's safety....” she finished with a sigh...

John was furious.... Ordered the guards to kick her outside of the palace....he went back to his daughter...

Bose mansion...

Triya is still in dilemma... There is this growing feelings inside her heart for Jason...but the way he behaved with his sister...that poor girl...in no way her heart can accept that monster....but..yes there is still that but....

Pritha came inside Triya's room....and placed the food tray on the table....“Tri, ne kheyene....''(Triya...eat now)

''I cant eat...didibhai...I am full...'' Triya replied with irritation. She knows she is showing her anger towards wrong direction....

But she needs to know about Jessy. Something is wrong definitely. Why would they treat Jessy like that....? So many questions. Jason dont look like a horrible person...he looks decent to anyone that will have conversion with him. But then whyyyy?

''Didibhai...Ash kichu bollo?(Sister did Ash said anything?) Triya asked. In reply Pritha just nodded her head in no.

''He already said what he knew...he is very upset... Didnt even knew Jessy was treated so bad in her own home...'' She added.

Triya smiled ''I know di...I know somewhere you are not happy about all this...I know...and its okay...Ash is your love, husband. You are supposed to be protective of him...thats okay.''

Pritha smiled back....she knew Triya is right. Somewhere she didnt liked how Ash was treated badly at hall...she knew her Ash was very dominating...but is very innocent. She blushed remembering her first intimacy with Ash before marriage. She had to beg him stop seducing her.

Here Triya is trying to solve this mystery. May be she should let it go with the flow. Thinking about it...she fell asleep. While Pritha too left the room. Today she is alone in the room. No one is there as all of them are in hall. Triya needed this sleep as doctor instructed her to not to skip sleep.

Suddenly she felt uneasy as if something is there...she wake up only to see someone is standing near her mirror...

Triya tried to switch on the light but it  is not working...so she grabbed her phone and switched on the button of flashlight to see who is there...when the light fell on face of the person

Her eyes widened... ''You?''

The lady smirked...but in good way...

Triya just whispered as if saying this to herself... ''I know you...''

The lady just rolled her eyes...''Yes you know me...''

Triya got out of her bed and asked...''What are you doing her...Susan?''

Susan sighed...''Before you start your question session...I need to tell you.a secret?''

Triya didnt do whether to hear her or not...but decided to go with her guts which was screaming at her to hear Susan out...''Ok...shoot!''

Susan raised her right eyebrow ''Shoot? Who will shoot me?''

Now its Triya's turn to roll her eyes...''I mean speak, woman.''

Susan got serious....''Triya, Jessy is not what she pretends to be...she is...she is....''


With sudden noise they both looked towards the window....only to get shock of their lives...


# whom did you liked in this chalu?

#what do you think they saw?

#most importantly why do you think Susan will say something like that about Jessy...?

# Do you guys still blames Jason?

Yours annoying author

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