27.Dead body.....

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Well look who is back...yes its me...yup I took a huge break...

So enjoy the chapter....

With sudden noise they both looked towards the window....only to get shock of their lives...

Its a wolf...a giant wolf staring back at them...

''Omg...whats that? Triya tried to shout but Susan closed her mouth with her palm...''No Triya...its nothing come with me...''

The wolf ran away....

''No first tell me...whats happening...'' She demanded...

''Jesse is not....''

What she is Susan? Triya asked her

.....She is not Jesse....


Yes she is not....

I don't believe you...

''You will...come with me....''

I dont want to...

Plz Triya...for Jason


Triya was going to jump but Susan told her she will help...within fraction of second...she jumped by holding Triya and landed properly.

Triya was shocked....wth how?

This is not the time of question... Come with me...

Susan took her to a car...made her seat...then revealed something shocking... ''Triya...Jesse is not jesse...''

Triya rolled her eyes...''Next''

And Neon is not Neon

This made Triya furious...''Yes I am also not Triya....I am a stupid girl who came here by trusting you that you will give me important information.'' she was going out of the car but Susan stopped her....wait Triya...hear me out....the girl who was with u cant be Jesse...because...Jesse is with me...from the birth...and...Neon...Neon is lying...I never tortured him...yes I dont like him...and I have my reason....''

Triya laughed...''you are a nice story teller...''

''I am serious Triya...if you dont believe me....here me out....When jesse was born...I removed her from the pack and disappeared for two weeks...when I came back I saw everything normal...I thought may be everyone forgot...but after one month I found out...princess in given to maids to raised...and will not be part of pack....I didn't say anything in fear....thought that imposter is not gonna harm the pack as it is a kid.....'' Susan confessed

''So you are saying....you kidnapped a kid and now has no idea how she was recovered?" Triya asked....Susan shook her head in no "Triya, real Jesse is still with me... there is no chance of recovery... moreover i removed her from her cruel fate....she is in India...happy and safe..." Triya again started laughing...."Reallyyyy? then tell me...what cruel fate Jesse gonna suffer?"

''listen Triya...something bad is gonna happen....plz listen to me...Jason knows something about it...'' Susan tried to make her understand...

Triya already got confused as what this Susan is talking about...like wth is a pack...and why Jesse will be hidden...what is happening...?

Susan then started telling her something when Triya's phone rang...before she picked up...she saw its from her Tiya....

''Hain bol....(yes...tell)...Triya answered the call....

But what she heard took her every sense away.....

''What...okay I am coming....wait for me...yes...yes I know...'' Triya cut the call....

''Triya... what happened...?'' Susan could see the colour of her face fade....

''They found Jesse's dead body....''....


#what are ur views about the chapter...?
I know its a small chapter....but I will come with huge updates....soon...

Ok so here issue is...I took a break....that break was necessary for me...and now I am back...so regular updates will be there...and and plz vote and comment...

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