15. I am your brother...

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Sorry guys! Actually I was busy with my online classes and practical submissions...so yeah the update is late....

But I gave a long update as an compensation...so enjoy....and plz vote for the chapters guys....and those who has not voted on the previous chapters plz go and vote...next update will take time as I am really stuck with my classes, so you can't expect regular updates...right? So plz don't ask for regular updates....but I will try to do it...

And follow my insta account....link will be on my bio for getting updates and sneak peeks of my stories....

Enjoy reading...


Jason is now confused what to do.... should he approach her and reconcile? But will she take him back? All these questions were running in his head for few hours....his heart broke when he saw how weak his sister look but in that Indian dress she is looking like an princess which she actually is.....and how dare those filthy boys are looking at her with lust....he gritted his teeth with anger but then it's irony that he himself let those men molest her....he hates himself for that from the core of his heart but after knowing the truth, he just can hope that she will understand the situation and try to forgive them.

The marriage is still going on as bengali weddings are too lengthy do it will be waste of time to wait for the wedding to over soon.

Everybody went towards the food area

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Everybody went towards the food area....and Jason lost his appetite to eat food...though Trima forcefully made him eat some starters which were tasty but now his focus is only on his sister who is just avoiding him at any cost....but he is stubborn....too stubborn to leave her when he finally got her.

He also saw how everyone in the family is pampering his sister, Jaisy....his only sister....he wiped the tears that already started falling from his eyes. He also informed Eric and Noah about Jaisy....they both got sad to feel the sadness their Alpha was feeling through pack bond.....after all the whole pack become sad if their Alpha is sad.

Eric and Noah both came within few minutes as they know Jason will need them....."Dude.... don't worry we will get our little pie back." Eric assured him....Jason chuckled at the nickname Eric used for Jaisy. The nickname was preserved for Eric to address Jaisy, he always used to love Jaisy more than anything as he never had any sister of his own....Eric was more excited than Jason for the arrival of new born Jaisy but being a kid he didn't understood why everyone hate this little bundle of joy....but everything got clear when he turned 15....he was told the reason by his father....though he never agreed but also never tried to save her which will make him regret till the last breath of his life.

Soon, they reached the fooding area....
or better say dragged by Risha to have their food. Buffet was arranged along with catering serving system which is Indian style too.

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