4. Wedding in America

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Hey guys... thanks for you support and love towards my story...I am thinking of giving updates on it frequently


It's been 4 days after the incident...the atmosphere inside Dutta mansion became calm. Everyone is now preparing to leave for America for Pritha's wedding.

The most exciting people for this wedding are Triya, Tiya, Trima and Meghla.

"Dibhai, let's go for some shopping..." - Tiya said with excitement.

"Okay let's go...." - Triya agreed after 3 days as she was not feeling good about the incident...

Many things happen within these two weeks like Triraag made sure his princess leave her sorry excuse for office where she was barely getting any credit. Triya's debit cards was taken away as in return Triraag gave his credit card to her to spent like a spoil brat which she is not. So, she refused to take salary, and declared she will only spent money from this credit card in return of doing work in their office which obviously was not accepted by her jethumoni as he now wants to spoil his niece but later they all got bend in front of her stubbornness.

Everyone in office got jealous of Triya being just a graduate she was so much intelligent. From that day Trimoy was guarding his baby sister like a babysitter in office. Risha, Triya's maa was blaming everything on Triya's Bapi. But Shubha's next target was Trima.

Back to present.

"Didiya, tor mone hoyna je at least dadabhai ke amader bole jaoya uchit?" (Sister, don't you think that we should inform to brother before going?) - Trima asked Tiya.

"Why should we? I mean dadabhai gave his credit card to Dibhai right? - Tiya asked Trima back.

" Dibhai is doing hard work for spending money from this credit card... don't you think we should not use the money of someone else's hardwork? "- Trima asked Tiya back.

" You are right, Trima, we should also search jobs or may be help our elders..." - Tiya suggested happily.

"Listen, eto pakkami korte hobena toder(you both don't have to be so desperate, my money is not for my own only....tora amar bon(you both are my sisters), understand! "- Triya told her sisters with calm voice.

The three sister went on shopping at evening and brought back clothes...

The whole family is ready to go to America for Pritha's wedding....

Pritha is daughter of Triya's paternal elder aunt Sudeshna who is like God mother to them.

If someone is annoying in this whole family then it is only one person her younger aunt Supratha. She hates Triya, Trima but loves Tiya....well not actually love her but as Tiya's Baba is shubhankar and he is the CEO so that's why she loves Tiya more....so much that she is too desperate too make her marry her nephew Ram...who is good for nothing. She hates Triya because she is the favorite in her family and always restrict Tiya to talk with Ram.

Supratha is planning something evil this time....

Two days more passed....today is their flight to NewYork, America. They are excited.... Supratha and her family also came with them.

Triya, Meghla and Tiya are more excited...and themselves don't know why...

After almost 16 to 17 hrs later the flight landed on New York. They are staying here for long time... as Duttas and Choudhary's are planning to open a business together in America. Supratha when came to know this, an evil plan came to her mind of asking Meghla's hand for her son sumir, who is also good for nothing....and then asking the half of the business of Choudharys in dowry for her son. Well what to say, she is a lady who likes to dream as she doesn't know Meghla who snap her son's neck even he tries to go near her.

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