25. Aunt Helly

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Yup I am back.... without any further delay....start reading the chapter....the update is not big but I will compensate you guys with frequent updates....


Silence is the only thing that is now surrounding the whole Bose mansion....

Silence because now they all are confused.....

Jason is sitting right beside Triya. His eye lids are closed. He cannot believe what he saw....no one is able to give him any answer....and the person who can is on his way to Bose mansion....Ash.

Pritha is nervously standing near the main door. She has no idea how things turned into something unexpected.

While Trimoy convinced cops to stay until Ash can arrive...

A car horn gained their attention coming from outside. Pritha knew it was Ash....so she quickly went outside to receive him.

Ash and Pritha together entered into the mansion. Ash's face is only showing confusion.....

Jason ran towards him holding him by his collar..... "Where is my sister? "

Ash casted his eyes down "Sorry Jason.... I don't know what to say.... I have no idea....I... " Triya pulled Jason back from Ash.... "Leave him Jason. Why are you accusing him. What's his mistake that his own family member is involved? "

Ash somehow managed to stand straight.... he didn't mind at all...he knows how much he loves his sister...

"I am sorry Jason...I didn't know she would do something like that....I thought she had finally accepted her defeat....I have no idea why and how she did it." Ash finally opened his mouth with his head hung downwards.

"Really Ash! How can you not know that bitch will again come back to bite us? " Jason yelled.

"Jason I really didn't have any idea my aunt will try to take away Jessy like that....I.thought she learnt her lesson after the previous punishment and now is in peace but now we know she was just waiting for the perfect chance...." Ash yelled back while Pritha is rubbing his shoulder to calm him down.

"Ash, why would aunt Helly do that? Does she knew Jaisy?" Pritha asked curiously to her husband.

Ash knew he can't reveal the truth but also doesn't wants to lie so he decided to go with the half truth...."Pritha, my aunt Helly....she doesn't like Jason's family at all...."

"Why?" Tri asked in a curious tone. Ash continued "Triya, aunt Helly used to love Jason's dad. But Mr Moonlight fell in love with Jason's mom....that's why she hates Moonlight family. She had tried many times to harm Mrs. Moonlight.....she....she was given enough chances....but...last straw was when she attack Mrs. Moonlight when she was pregnant with Harold....and...and she got saved but my aunt got arrested...but after spending 3 years in prison...she pretended to be changed person so we never put her in restriction."

"That means Jessy is in great danger....but it's been so much time long....what Jessy is going through!" Pritha asked no one in particular looking towards Triya.

"We will find her soon.....we have to....or else that bitch will harm my baby sister. How dare she! I am gonna cut her into pieces and throw those pieces to my pack." Jason mentioned his pack without realising that everyone is present here.

Everyone looked at Jason with confusion.

Ash coughed...*ahm ahm ahm* actually he means his pack of wolf dogs.
At Moonlight palace

Everyone is getting ready to go and search for their princess at night....this time the whole royal pack is gonna join.

Jason is standing in front of everyone as their leader....he howled as his beast took over....and he shifted into his wolf. The whole pack howled after him to show their loyalty.

As per strategy....they dispersed into different ways....

Jason, Rick, Samy, Deanet, Lusie was in a team. They crossed the border and ran towards the secret basement...which was made by Helly when she was in this pack for the safety of the pack. She was in charge of protection.

They reached near the basement which build under a small house. Samy who was master mind of strategies in pack. So he suggested to enter inside in their human form by masking their scents which was the special ability of Moonlight pack.

They entered through a broken window as the door was locked with silver chains. After entering inside the small house....they noticed it's well maintained that means surely Helly is taking care of this place as she can only touch silver among them.

Due to darkness... nothing was visible at all. Among them only Deanet have power of extreme vision so she can clearly see in dark so she was the one who was leading them. Everyone is following her quietly without any word as they trust her blindly but suddenly Deanet stopped.

"What happened...Dea? Why did you stopped.?" Lusie asked as they can't even properly see the expression on face of Deanet.

But Deanet didn't replied..... getting irritated by her no response....Jason whispered yelled..."Deanet Lamer...why are you not moving....?"

Deanet turned her face towards her Alpha and pointed towards her front.
Everyone looked towards the direction where her index finger is pointing....but was unable to see anything. They went closer leaving Deanet behind. The scene infront of them pulled the ground beneath them. They are unable to believe in their eyes..... everyone is not rooted to their own places.....after few seconds of shock....Rick ask



Yes....yes you guys are allowed to say anything to me....I know I disappeared....but I have my reasons....but now I am back....back with my old energy and enthusiasm....so be ready to go to a rollercoaster ride of this story....

Stay tuned....


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