The first I love you part 2

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" Max ? Max ! " Lucas called for his girlfriend worriedly as he was walking through her neighborhood. " If you can hear me please, show yourself. I know I've been an ass with you and I'm sorry but we won't go anywhere if you don't let me talk to you ! "

He stopped yelling for a moment, foolishly hoping to see Max going out of a corner but was only greeted by a dead silence.

After his talk with El, Lucas had rushed to his girlfriend's place, expecting to find her there but there were no tracks of Max. The house was cold, dark and empty as if the girl had somehow vanished in the air.

Lucas was still trying to convince himself that she needed a bit of alone time and would come back later but he had been searching for her for more than two hours now and his anxiety was slowly taking over him.

He knew that Max tended to do extremely reckless things when she was upset and couldn't help but think that she might have got herself in troubles.

Breathing deeply, he finally decided to go to El's home. Maybe she could localize the redhead with her powers and if not, the chief would know what to do.

Lucas started running through the streets, going faster and faster as the guilt, fear and pain increased gradually in his heart. He really had an ominous feelings and couldn't bring himself to stop thinking that Max was in troubles. Troubles that he had caused.

After around fifteen minutes, he finally made it to Hopper's cabin and stopped to catch his breath before ringing the doorbell desperately.

" Oh Lucas ! " El greeted him with a bright smile. " How did it go with Max ? Come on, I want to know everything ! "

The boy was so overwhelmed by his anxiety that he didn't even manage to answer probably and El's grin quickly faded away.

" Hey, what's wrong ! ? " She asked, this time with an alarmed voice. " Did she refuse your apologies ? Are you guys definitely done ? "

" I wish it could be that" Lucas sighted, earning a worried glance from El.
" If it was just a stupid break up, I would at least be sure that Max's fine. "

" Okay, stop that. " The brunette crossed her arms, looking at the boy with angry eyes. " I don't know what's wrong with Max but I'm starting to get really worried so just spit it out already ! "

" She's gone, El. " His voice cracked despise himself and he wipped out a tear. " When I left you, I ran to her home to make my apologies but she was not there. I went to the arcade, the mall, the skate park, any places she usually goes to but it's like she just vanished in the air. I don't know what to do ! "

" Hey, hey calm down ! " El patted his shoulder, her voice softening. " You know Max, she often needs to get some alone time, especially after an argument. She's probably just out there, trying some new tricks on her skate board and making sure you don't find her. "

" It's freezing outside, we're in the middle of winter ! Even if Max had decided to take a walk, she'd be home by now ! "

" Okay, okay fine. " She sighted, obviously thinking that Lucas was worrying for nothing.
" I'll check if that can help you but I really hate doing so. Max's probably really upset right now and I don't want to invade her privacy. "

" Thanks El. I know you feel bad about it but I promise I wouldn't ask you if I didn't thing it was important. "

The brunette just nodded and let Lucas in. Then, she sat on a chair, tying a blindfold around her eyes.

" Do you see her ? " The boy asked after a couple of seconds. " Is she alright ? "

" Quiet, I need sometimes. " El answered harshly. " And I hope you know you're really acting like a possessive freak. "

" I'm not ! " He tried to defend himself. " I just want to make sure Max's safe. If she is, I'll leave her alone ! "

" Yeah, whatever. Oh, wait ! " El stopped talking, the expression on her face slowly moving from angry to extremely concerned. " I found her... Oh my God ! "

" What ? What's wrong ! What do you see ? "

" It's... Dark. I think she's outside but something's off. She...she isn't moving !"

" She isn't moving ? " Lucas was completely freaked out and didn't even bother to hide it anymore. " But why ? Where... Where is she ?"

" A forest. Yeah, it's a forest. Max is... In a hole I think. A very deep one. And there's a problem with her leg. It's like... Twisted in a way it shouldn't be ! "

" Ok ok. " Lucas breathed deeply, trying to put himself together. " We have to find her as fast as possible. She's probably in an horrible pain, it's freezing outside and maybe she hit her head and need to be treated right away ! I need you to tell me about litteraly any details that could help me finding her position ! "

" I... It's dark I can't see anything properly. I think there's like ... a very very wide tree stump, maybe about 5 or 6 feet long."

" I know where it is ! " The boy exclaimed, getting up from his chair.

" Wait Lucas ! " El held him back, putting a hand on his shoulder. " What do we do ? Even if you find Max, you won't probably be able to get her out of this hole by yourself, especially if her leg is broken, we need to wait for my dad to come home. He told me this morning that he had a very important meeting and wouldn't be reachable until 8 or 9 pm ! "

" That means two hours, it's way too long ! I'm going to go out there, try to do my best for Max or at list, to comfort her. When Hopper gets home, you contact me immediately on my talkie and I'll guide you towards us ! "

" Okay, I'll do it but you can't go empty handed. " El just stated, getting up of her seat as well. " Like you said it's freezing outside and I don't know how badly Max's injured. You need to take at least a blanket and a first aid kit. "

The brunette disappeared a couple of minutes and came back with a backpack filled with various stuff.

" Take that with you. " She told Lucas as he was heading toward the door. " I wish I could come too but someone has to stay here to wait for my dad. Just do your best alright ? "

" I will, you know I'll do anything for her."

He didn't even let the brunette replied and started running down the street. His lungs were burning, his throat ready to explode but he couldn't have cared less. The girl he was in love with was in troubles because of him and he was ready to do anything to help her.

Here's the part 2. Hope you enjoy 🤗.

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