Cold night

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" We're lost ? Like for real ? " Mike asked, his whole body shaking with fear. " But what does that mean ? "

" It means that we're going to get eaten by some wild beasts sooner or later and that you'll never see El again. " Max replied with a very serious ton, making the raven haired boy freaking out even more. " You death will be long, painful and..."

" I think it's enough Max. " Lucas cut the redhead and put his hand on Mike's shoulder. " We'll be alright ok ? We just have to hold on a couple of hours and, when the sunlight comes back, I'll get us out of there. "

" But what about the wild beats, what if there's actually wolves in that woods ? "

" Oh my God Mike ! " Max interrupted him again. " You fought a monster from another dimensions and now your scared of fucking wolves ? "

" Okay, Okay guys please call down. " Lucas stood between the two of them, trying to stop a new argument from happening. " The nights are pretty cool at this time of the year so if we don't want to freeze tonight we need to make a campfire. Mike, please, go find some dry wood, Max help me gathering  rocks. Come on, come on ! "

Mike sighted and disappeared in the nearest bushes. Max just came closer to her boyfriend and put her arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek in the process.

" I'm sorry about this " She apologized softly. " Mike really got on my nerves but ... I should have handled the situation with more maturity. I guess that shit is my fault too after all... "

" Hey ! " Lucas grabbed her chin, brushing his thumb against her tanned skin gently. " Don't say that. Mike has really been an ass to you today. He just got what he deserved. "

" Yes he did and you, what do you deserve Stalker ? " She leaned over, making their foreheads touching each others. " What do you deserve for having managed to keep us alive the whole day and to prevent me from reaping Mike's throat ? "

" Humm. " He whispered back. " I think I may have an idea. "

" You do ? "

" Yeah, yeah I really do. "

Lucas finally put his hands on Max's hips and kissed her passionately, feeling all the pressure, all the worriedness of this awful day going away.

She deepened the kiss, pinning the boy again a tree and slowly started to take his shirt of.

" Owww gross ! " Mike screamed behind them, earning a finger from the redhead. " Can't you guys take a room or something ? I thought I was going to puke ! "

" Shut up Wheeler. " This time, Lucas was genuinely angry. " Don't act like you don't do it with El all the time. We were just trying to have a bit of privacy ! "

" Ok, sorry... " The raven haired apologized awkwardly. Arguing with Max was not a problem but he hated being in conflicts with his best friend.
" Hum... Anyway. About the food, how are we going to do ? "

" Well unless you want to eat roots or poisonous mushrooms, our only option is to wait until tomorrow. " Lucas just replied blankly, still mad about Mike's behavior.

" You mean no food tonight ? "

" Yeah that precisely what he meant dumbass. It's really not that hard you'll see. Now will you help us out with the fire or what ? "

Mike just grumbled and the three of them started to build their campfire, the first stars slowly lightening up in the sky.


Lucas stroke his girlfriend's hair softly as she was snuggling closer to him in her sleep. It was probably around 1 or 2 in the morning and neither of the boys had managed to take some rest but Max didn't seem to be really bothered by their uncomfortable condition.

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