I need you (part 3)

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Lucas had been sitting on a chair in the hospital's hall for more than thirteen minutes and nothing had happened yet. Rubbing his forehead with exasperation, he finally stood up and started wandering in the corridors.

He knew Max had been taken to surgery and that people were taking care of her but that wasn't really easing his pain. The fact that he was completely oblivious about how she was doing was literally killing him.

The boy was completely overwhelmed with rage and guilt . He was extremely mad at himself for not having been there early enough to save his girlfriend and the unfairness of the whole situation was driving him crazy. What the fuck had she done to get a family like this ? Max was literally the bravest, sweetest and most adorable person he had ever met and now she was maybe going to die because of her stepfather !

Lucas wiped out his tears angrily and came back in the hall where Billy was waiting for him with a worried mine.

" How is she doing ? " He urged him, trying prevent his hands from shaking uncontrollably.

" Calm down kid. " The older teen snapped with a rash voice that didn't really hide how worried he really was. " They didn't tell me anything. I think she's still in the operating room. "

" But what about in the ambulance ? The doctors must have said something or... "

Billy just clenched his fists nervously, and bit his lips while looking away.

" What happened ? Please I need to know ! "

" Max fucking stopped breathing that what happened ! " He shouted violently, a tear rolling on his cheek. " It only lasted about ten seconds because the doctors managed to fix that but I really really thought that she was gone and I just... "

His voice broke and he didn't manage to finish his sentence.

" I don't know what I'll do if Max doesn't make it. I don't know how I'll be able to live knowing that my little sister is dead because of me. "

Lucas didn't really want to feel sorry for Billy. After all, he had never been nice to him and, besides, he wasn't completely wrong about the fact that he had caused Max's condition since he hadn't protected her like he was suppose to . But the older boy had comforted him when he was crying over his girlfriend unconscious body and he had in a way, saved Max's life by stopping the bleeding in time.

Lucas therefore decided to pat Billy shoulder awkwardly and looked at him with sorry eyes.

" Max gonna be okay. She's the strongest girl I have ever met."

Billy just nodded and Lucas didn't add anything as the two had, in his opinion, talked together enough for a lifetime.

They just sat next to each other in the hospital waiting room and watched the time going slowly on the old clock in front of them.

A couple of minutes later, they heard someone rushing in the hall and screaming with a distraught voice that Lucas recognized as Susan's (Max's mother).

" Where's my little girl ? Where is she ? " He witnessed her yelling at a nurse who seemed completely oblivious about her daughter's situation.

" Susan, here ! " Billy waved at her as she was still trying to get informations from the nurse. " I have news."

She ran to them and, catching both Lucas and Billy by surprise, slapped the older boy roughly .

" You were supposed to protect your sister ! What did you do to her !!?"

" I didn't do anything to Max, you know I would never touch her but the asshole you married and happens to be my father did ! " He answered, looking her straight in the eyes. " How many times did I warn you about him ? How many times did I beg you to understand that he was dangerous and that you needed to take Max as far as possible from him ? You've never wanted to believe me. You have always refused to see how violent Neil really was and now your only child is maybe going to die because of your obliviousness ! "

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