Truth or dare part 2

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Lucas crossed the room nervously, biting his nails as he glanced at the window right in front of him.

The boy had tried to cool down after his girlfriend's departure, convincing himself that he was definitely being overprotective with her.

Max was a big girl totally capable of handling things by herself, especially a stupid dare given by Mike fucking Wheeler.

But now, more than one hour had passed, the redhead was still missing and Lucas was completely overwhelmed with anxiety.

" We need to go looking for her Mike. " The boy finally stated, turning to his best friend. " She's been gone for way too long now. What if something happened to her ? "

" Dude, that bloody house is really far from here, Max just needs some time to go back." He answered, trying to hide his own nervousness. " I'm sure she's totally fine."

" She may be totally fine but we can't take any chances." Lucas snapped rashly. " I won't let anything happen to her so you're gonna go with me to that house and we're taking El with us. Her powers might be useful."

Mike yawned, glancing at his girlfriend who, like Dustin and Will, was peacefully asleep.

" Can't you go by yourself ? I mean, Max is your girlfriend, not mine and as for El, there's no way she's coming. That shit house is probably dangerous ! "

" You sent Max out there completely alone but you're scared for your own girlfriend who has superpowers ? " Lucas shouted, really angry this time.

" I... I'm not it's just..."

" It's nothing Mike. " Lucas snapped, dragging his best friend out of the room. " If you want El to stay here, it's fine by me. After all she's not responsible for that shit but you, you're coming with me. You screwed up and now it's time to fix your mistakes ! "

The raven haired boy didn't try to argue and just followed Lucas out of the house. Of course, he wouldn't ever admit but he was a bit worried about Max too.

Mike didn't like the girl at all but that didn't mean he wanted her to die. Besides, El and Lucas would probably never forgive him if anything happened to her so he didn't have much options left.

After a 30 minutes walk, the two boys finally made it to the bottom of the hill and gazed at the dark house at its top.

From where they had stopped, they could barely see anything but the irish flag was still visible on the building's roof.

Max hadn't made it to the house or if she had, she hadn't managed to catch the flag.

Lucas breathed deeply and started to climb up the straight slope, following by a very reluctant Mike.

" Dude, do I really need to come inside with you ? " The raven haired stuttered, looking at the house a couple of inches from him  " I will only slow you down, maybe it would be better if I waited here".

" Don't be a coward Mike. " Lucas huffed. " You wouldn't want me to tell your precious girlfriend that you're afraid of ghosts would you ? "

Mike grumbled something under his breath but refused to move.

" Okay then. " His best friend shrugged, opening the door leading to a large living room. " You can stay here as a bait and distract Mr Humfrey while I go get Max ."

Lucas entered the house, soon followed by a terrified Mike and they both started exploring the different rooms.

It was very dark and dusty, spiders and rats occasionally running between their feet but that was pretty much all.

No ghosts, no vampires, no weird creatures of the night or anything exciting. It was indeed pretty disappointing if you asked Lucas.

" Max ! " The dark skinned boy shouted for the hundredth time. " Can you hear me ? "

Lucas and Mike stopped at the top of the huge staircase they were climbing to see if they could hear anything but the house remained silent.

" You know, maybe your girlfriend just chickened out and didn't even enter the house. " Mike suggested. " We should definitely come back to my place, she's probably there ! "

" Max has way too much pride to do such a thing Mike. " Lucas just answered, looking around with his flashlight. " I'm sure that she is here and we're not living without her. "

" Dude, we've been looking for her for at least one hour now. If she was in there we would have found her a while ago ! "

" Shut up Mike, I know Max very well and... What was that ? " He suddenly asked as loud footsteps were coming their way. " What's happening ? "

Lucas turned around to see that his best friend was already at the bottom of the stairs, running toward the excit.

It was too late for him to do the same so he just decided to face whatever was coming for him. Ghosts couldn't really harm someone, right ?

Holding his flashlight  in front of him like a weapon, Lucas finally turned around again and was met with the most terrifying thing he had ever seen.

A few inches away from him, glowing in the moonlight, was a beautiful and very pale woman. Her white dress was soaking wet with blood, her face twisted with pain and despair.

" Help me. " She whispered, extending her hand toward the boy. " Help me please. "

Her cold fingers suddenly brushed Lucas' hand, causing him to back off with an horrified scream.

As his feet missed the first step, the boy tried to catch the banister but failed miserably.

He started falling down the stairs and landed on the floor head first.

Lucas tried to get up but suddenly, his eyesight became extremely blurry and everything went black.

Yeah, I know I'm super late for this one and I apologize. I'll try to update the next chapter very soon.

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