Friday night

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Basically what would have happened if episode 9 had had a happier ending.

Lucas casted a worried glance at his girlfriend who was still fighting Vecna before avoiding a punch.

Jason coudn't have chosen a worst moment to attack, really. All that mattered was saving Hawkins and Max from a terrible monster but this jerk didn't seem to understand that.

" Jason please I already told you what was going on ! " Lucas yelled, protecting himself as best as he could. " I didn't do anything to Max and she's going to die if I can't help her ! "

The older guy didn't seem to register his words and threw another punch at him.

Lucas avoided it again just like he had avoided the others but deep down, he knew.

He knew that he wouldn't be able to fight Jason forever.

And he had no idea what would happen to Max if the older guy won the fight.

As he was about to avoid yet another punch, a horrible crack was heard.

One look at Jason's foot on the crushed walkman made Lucas' heart sink.

How would he save Max if he couldn't start Running up that Hill ?

The thought made him so angry he finally managed to start fighting back.

Attacking Lucas was one thing but putting the girl he loved in danger ? He would never allow it.

One punch sent Jason flying across the room.

The second knocked him unconscious and Lucas was finally able to go back to his girlfriend.

" Max, Max wake up ! " He shook the redhead, knowing that it was hopeless. " Please ! "

Of course, she didn't react and Lucas started to freak out.

Then, he thought of something that could potentially save Max's life.

It probably wasn't the best solution but it was the only one he had left.

And if he wanted his girlfriend to live, he had to try.

" It doesn't hurt me..." Lucas started singing. " Do you want to feel how it feels ? "

Max didn't have any reaction to the song but he kept going anyway.

He had to keep going.

She started levitating and the boy's heart stopped but he kept going.

He was sobbing so hard the lyrics were barely understandable but he kept going.

" And if I only could. " Lucas screamed, his voice breaking despite himself. " I'd make a deal with God and I'd get him to swap our places..."

Max's right arm snapped and for one second, he thought he had failed to save her.

Then, miraculously, the redhead fell to the ground.

" Max ! " Lucas immediately rushed to her side. " Max are you okay ? "

She groaned in pain and cradled her broken arm while clinging to her boyfriend like he was her lifeline.

Max was white as a sheet, her sobs showing a fear Lucas had never seen on her before.

So of course, she wasn't fine. But she was alive and that was all that mattered.

" Hey kid. " Steve sat next to Lucas on the couch.
" It's really late, shouldn't you be sleeping ? "

" I could ask you the same question. "

The older boy chuckled before glancing at Max who was fast asleep next to her boyfriend.

She wore a cast but had refused to stay in the hospital for the night.

She hated them and of course Lucas couldn't blame her.

" I think we both need to acknowledge the fact that Max is safe now. " Steve added. " I know you feel the need to protect her because I feel the same's over now Lucas. We can rest. "

" You weren't here Steve. When Max started levitating I thought..." Lucas' voice broke once more. " I thought I was going to lose her. Forever. "

" Except she is still here kid. " He patted Lucas' back reassuringly. " We got Vecna before he could got her. And you saved her life. You saved her Lucas."

The boy nodded but couldn't bring himself to completely believe it.

And so when Steve finally left the room to go to bed, he stayed awake.

And when Max woke up in the middle of the night, screaming and begging Vecna to let her go, he was there to comfort her.

The past few days had allowed Lucas to understand he hadn't really helped Max when she needed him the most.

But he had a chance to start over, a chance to be a better boyfriend.

And he surely wasn't going to miss it.


" Hey ! " Max chuckled after her boyfriend threw a popcorn at her.
" What was that for ?  "

" Nothing. " Lucas grinned.
" Just an attempt to see your beautiful smile. "

The redhead blushed made an adorable smile despite herself.

" See ? I knew it would work. "

" You're a total dork. " Max threw another popcorn at him
" And if you want to start a popcorn war you know you will lose. "

" I sure do. " Lucas
"  But I promised you we would see a movie so let me keep that promise and watch this first okay ? "

" Okay. But you better watch your ass when we get home. "

The boy laughed at this as the movie began.

He felt so happy to have Max by his side, to know she was alive and safe.

Of course, not everything was perfect since they both still had terrible nightmares about that night.

But Lucas knew that together they would get through this.

The more times he replayed the scene in his mind, the more he realized just how incredibly lucky they had both been.

If he hadn't sung to Max, if Vecna had managed to hurt her more before Running up that Hill or El could save her...

Who knew, maybe in another  universe things hadn't turned out good for Max.

Maybe they wouldn't have been able to get their movie date.

But it didn't matter because the redhead was here and Lucas would never let go of her again.

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