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" Come on class, please get in line quietly. We are going to announce the teams for our today orienteering race !" The teacher yelled as everyone was talking excitedly.

She started calling out names as the party was waiting impatiently. It was the yearly orienteering class and they were all very exciting about the whole thing, apart from Mike who was just grumpy because he would had wanted to spend the day alone with El.

" Stop grumbling dude, you'll be with your girlfriend the whole day anyway. " Lucas tried to comfort his friend, patting his shoulder gently. " You know, a walk in a beautiful forest like that can be pretty romantic too ! "

" Yeah well I was planning on doing something else and besides, I'm not even sure to be with El. What if I find myself stuck with Max the whole day ? "

" Hey stop talking shit about her like that, she is really not that bad plus there's no way you two are actually going to be together."

" Guys ! " Their teacher interrupted them suddenly. " Quiet please or you won't hear the name of your teammates ! "

They both nodded sheepishly and just waited for their name to be called.

" El Hopper, Dustin Hunderson, Will Byers, you're the fifth group ! "

El kissed Mike on the cheek and joined her partners, her boyfriend looking at her like it was the last time he would ever get to see her.

" Oh men what did I do to deserve that ?" The raven haired boy whined loudly.

" Shut up brat ! " Max snapped, disappointed to be separated from her best friend as well. " You'll be able to complain if we end up being together. That is really the worst thing that could happen ! "

The teacher just kept calling out names until there were only the three of them left.

" Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler. " Their teacher yelled " You're the eleventh and last group. Everyone get ready to go please ! "

Time froze as Max and Mike slowly turned to each other, their eyes filled with so much hate and disgust that Lucas knew it would be impossible to force them to get along. Not even a little bit.

All the teams started to run in various directions while the two enemies kept standing there, refusing to move from one centimeter.

" Guys come on ! " Lucas tried to cheer them up unsuccessfully. " It's just a couple of hours, I'm sure you can do it ! "

" Let's get something straight." Max stated, killing Mike with her eyes. " I'm not going anywhere with that douchebag."

" And neither am I ! " Mike snapped back roughly. " I'm sure she's planning on killing me in those woods ! "

" Okay listen up. " Lucas rubbed his forehead in exasperation. " If we don't run, we'll be disqualified and if we get disqualified, we'll have to clean up the school's toilets every evenings during one month. Here's the thing. Do you want to make an effort and spend one afternoon together now or do you prefer to spend all you evenings with each others during one fucking month ? "

They shared a concern look and finally decided to follow him reluctantly.

" Great ! We're going to win that shit, you'll see . Just follow my orders and stay behind me. " Lucas beamed as they were entering the forest.

" Alright captain. " Max grumbled  " But I swear, if the ugly rat who happens to be your best friend tries to do or say anything to me I will fucking end him ! "

" How did you just call me ? The only rat here is you and..."

Lucas took his head between his hands as the two kept arguing roughly in the back ground. It was going to be a really really really long afternoon...

They walked during a couple of hours, Lucas gathering the clues and taking notes while Mike and Max just yelled and insulted each others.

At some point, they arrived near a peaceful little river and Lucas sat on the fresh grass.

" Let's take a quick break hear. " He stated, his legs aching after their long walk. " I think we're close from the last last clue. "

" May I have the map please ? " Max asked " Maybe I can help finding the last location. "

" Huh... Sure. " Lucas handed her the paper , happy to see she was finally trying to get involved in the activity. " But be careful ok ? I'm not sure we'll be able to found our way back to the camp without it."

She just nodded and sat near from the river, her feet in the water to study the map.

" Give me that. You don't know how to read that shit anyway. " Mike snapped, grabbing the map from the girl's hand. " It's not a girl thing. "

" Give it back mysoginist pig ! " She yelled and basically jumped on Mike back causing him to fall in the river with the map.

" Bitch you're going to pay for that  ! " The raven haired boy dragged the redhead in the river and they started to fight again.

" Guys, what happened to the map ! " Lucas screamed as the two soaking wet teenagers were finally going out. " Where is it ?"

Max and Mike didn't reply anything and just looked at each others with a death glare. As for Lucas, he finally spotted the map completely destroyed, floating in the river in thousands of pieces.

" Mike did this. " Max tried to defend herself as her boyfriend was looking at her suspiciously. " He's the one who took the map away from me ! "

" And you pushed me in the river ! "

" You deserved it ! "

" We would still have a map if you hadn't done that ! "

" I..."

" Guys will you shut up ? " Lucas finally screamed with exasperation. " It doesn't matter who's responsible for that ! My biggest concern now is that the night is going to fall soon and if I don't manage to find a way out before it does, we'll be completely lost ! "

" What do you mean by completely lost ?" Mike stuttered, looking at the creepy forest around him with horror.

" I mean that we'll have to stay the whole night in there before someone comes to get us. You should've thought about it when you threw the fucking map in the river ! "

Mike stared at the ground sheepishly, feeling a bit guilty about the whole situation.

" So what do we do now ? " Max questioned her boyfriend. " Are we settling down here or do you think we can still find our way back in time ? "

She was so calm, her voice serious and firm as if she wasn't scared at all. And Lucas knew that she wasn't . Max was never scared of anything.

" I think I might remember how to go back... Come on, let's go this way ! "

Lucas started to walk toward the north, desperately trying to find landmarks, traces of other students or anything that could have indicated they were on the good way but there was nothing.

The sun was slowly disappearing behind the trees, causing the forest to become darker and darker and soon, the boy had to admit that he had absolutely no idea of where they were.

" Why do you stop walking ? " Mike asked him as he had sat down on a tree stump. " Come on man, we've got to be out of there before the night. "

" We can't . " Lucas just sighted with a defeated voice. " I don't know where we are anymore. Everything is alike in that fucking forest... I'm sorry guys but this time, we're completely lost."

Hi everyone 😁. Just wanted to say that I hope you enjoyed that one shot (ofc there will be a part 2 next week). If you could drop some ideas in the comment it would be very nice because I'm bored and I don't have much inspiration. Can't promise you your suggestion will be out very fast though. I still have a lot of one shot already written to publish. Anyway, I wish you a happy new year in advance and... Stay safe 😎.

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