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The party was hanging out in Mike's basement chatting and eating snacks as it was pouring outside. Dustin and Will were playing D and D while Mike and El were making out on the sofa.

His chin rested on Max's head, Lucas was simply playing with her hair and telling her some jokes. They weren't really into kissing, especially when there were people around them. To be honest, Lucas even found that Mike and El were a bit annoying, like they didn't know the meaning of the word " privacy". Lucas loved his girlfriend, he truly did but he didn't need to suck her face all day to prove it !

"Oh my God Mike, couldn't you stop to act like El was some kind of ice cream for just one minute ?" Max sighted with annoyance." It's gross plus we were supposed to spend time together like normal friends do and it's like you're not even here with us !  "

"It's not because you and Lucas aren't a real couple that I can't spend romantic time with my girlfriend ! " Snapped Mike as he was straightening up to face the red-head.

"At least we don't suck each other face all the time and..."

"Max", Lucas wrapped his arms around his girlfriend shoulders to calm her down. "It's ok. I think we should talk about something else."

"Ok man but you should mind your girlfriend ! "

"No he won't because Lucas doesn't try to control me all the time. He's not like you Mike !"

Burying his face in his hands, Lucas sighted sadly. Here they were again ! He always hoped that Mike and Max were finally going to get along, allowing the party to spend at least one afternoon without having to stop an argument but it seems like the two were meant to hate each other, no matter what. Mike never really accepted her as a full member of the party and Max... Well, she had her own temper and didn't really live the situation really good. Let's just say that their relationship was pretty explosive.

Lucas didn't want to be bring into the argument so he decided to just let it go. Taking Max or Mike side would automatically lead the other to hate him and he didn't want to lose any of them. Backing of, he sat himself next to El and shared concerned glares with the brunette as the two kept arguing.

Zoning out, Lucas stopped listening at their screams until one of Mike's sentences caught his attention :

"You know what Max ? You're such a pain in the ass, it's not surprising if even you're own dad doesn't want you in his life !"

Time froze and the whole room became suddenly incredibly quiet. Mike used to be really rude with Max and so was she with him but this time, Lucas knew it was different. This time, the raven-haired had somehow crossed the line and nothing would be able to fixe  that.

"If I'm such a pain in your ass Mike you can be happy because you won't have to handle my presence anymore, I'm done. " Max yelled at him as a single tear rolled on her cheek.

Lucas went closer to his girlfriend to comfort her but she pushed him away gently, explaining that she needed to be alone for a moment. Then, the red head hurried out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Lucas was heartbroken to see his girl like that.

Mike and El were already making out again on the sofa as if nothing had happened and suddenly, it became too much for him. He had always tolerate Mike's behaviour but this time he had gone too far and this whole situation had to stop.
Lucas walked toward the raven-haired and grabbed him by the collar, forcing him to look him in the eyes.

"What the hell man ?" Mike shouted angrily as Lucas was still holding his shirt " What's wrong with you ?"

"What's wrong with me ? What's wrong with you Mike ! How dare you treating Max like that ?" Lucas was so mad he almost had to prevent himself from punching his best friend .

"Dude, you knew how it's happened ! Your stupid girlfriend started it, she provoked me ! I just fought for myself !"

"Mike, I think you don't get it. I'm not only talking about that argument, I'm talking about your whole relationship with her ! Ever since Max  arrived to Hawkins, you have  hated her, trying to hurt her or just telling her that she didn't belong to our party. She really did everything to pleased you and made you change your mind but you never tried to let her a chance and..."

"You did the same with El when we found her remember ? - Mike interrupted Lucas as the dark-skinned boy had finally let him go - You just couldn't accept her and you treated her very badly and ..."

"You are right Mike, I didn't like El that much at the beginning but I saw how much you loved her. I tried to accept her and  I've been smart enough to get to know her and to see how cool she really was. You've never tried anything like that with my girlfriend because you're an asshole judging everyone on first impression !"

Mike tried to say something but he didn't let him talk .

"I'm not done Wheeler. You don't seem to understand that it's not because Max always tries to hide her feelings that she doesn't have any ! I don't know  exactly what she's been through cause she doesn't really like talking about that but I know she didn't have an easy life, as well as your precious Eleven ! I try my best to make her feel safe and loved  but you always ruin everything !"

Lucas' voice was now shaky and Mike could say that he was really upset.

"Look man, I'm sorry ok ?" He apologized awkwardly "I didn't know that and I didn't mean to hurt you or Max..."

"Of course you did Mike" The way Lucas stared at him made the boy froze a little "You knew that bringing Max's father into this would hurt her. And don't even try to deny it ! "


"Do not bother to talk Mike. You have only two options now : You treat Max as a full member of the party and you respect her or you keep acting like an asshole and you lose the both of us. Think about it carefully Wheeler."

Mike tried to say something again but Lucas slammed the door violently and left the room, letting his best friend frozen.

Hi, I know this chapter is not exactly Lumax but honestly, I think that Mike deserved it and I hope that Lucas and him will have a conversation about the way he treats Max in season four. I don't like how nobody's allowed to say anything about Eleven because Mike and her are dating while Mike never miss an occasion to talk shit about Max. Also, there won't be a second part to this one shot because I think it's not really necessary but if you want one, just ask in the comments and I'll reconsider it.

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