Christmas Eve

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The snow was slowly falling down outside, covering the frozen floor with a soft and immaculate layer of white powder. The whole house was full of sweet smells, a mixte between gingerbread, cinnamon and hot chocolate and for the first time in a while, Max was happy. Not just cheerful or amused but genuinely happy.

Christmas Eve's was a pleasant moment for everyone but, for a girl who had never really got to experiment a normal Christmas before it was more than pleasant, it was just magic.

" So, you're happy ? " Lucas whispered tenderly to his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her waist to embrace her in a tight hug.

" Happier than ever Stalker. " She whispered back and pecked his cheek gently. " Everything is just so...perfect. It doesn't even seem real to me !"

" But it is Max. Everything is real and you're going to spend the best Christmas ever. You deserve it."

" Oh Max, I want us to get married and to stay together forever !" Erica mocked, entering the boy's room without bothering to knock. " You two make me want to puke ! "

" Shut up Fart face ! I told you to knock before you come in ! What if we were doing something private ? "

" Something private huh ? " The young girl smirked, causing both Lucas and Max to blush like crazy. " Anyway, I'm not interested at all in your dirty stuff. Mum just asked me to tell you it's time to eat ! "

She ran out of the room before her big brother could catch her and he smiled at Max awkwardly.

" Yeah... Sorry about that. My sister is hella annoying ! "

" Don't worry. " Max giggled, grabbing her boyfriend hand to lead him downstairs. " I know you don't really like Erica but she's kinda funny."

Lucas pouted, making his girlfriend laugh even more. The truth was, she really enjoyed witnessing the numerous arguments between the siblings. They were always entertaining and besides, it gave her a feeling of normality much needed.

" Max, sweetie ! " Lucas' mother said as the couple entered the living room. " I'm so glad you're here with us tonight."

" Thanks for the invitation Ms Sinclair" Max replied cheerfully, giving her a warm smile. " I'm glad to be here too. "

The girl was usually shy and quiet, especially around grown up since she had learned not to trust them too much but, Lucas' mum was different. She had always been extremely nice to Max, accepting her as a full member of the family ever since Lucas and her had started dating. Sometimes, she would give the young girl advices about boys or love or school or just a hug when she needed it. She was almost like a maternal figure for her.

The family sat around the table, Max placing herself next to her boyfriend and everyone started eating happily. The girl had eaten a couple of time with the Sinclair but she still had a hard time understanding how a family meal like that could turned out to be so peaceful.

Sure, Lucas and Erica were always arguing about stupid things or sending death glares to each other but there were no cryes, no screams, no invisible but yet unbearable tension floating in the air. The last Christmas that hadn't ended with a disaster in the Mayfield's house dated from way before Max's parents divorce and she didn't even remember it very well.

After they finished enjoying Ms Sinclair fabulous Christmas pudding and helped her out with the dishes, Lucas brought his girlfriend back to his room.

" Close your eyes please." He told her softly, letting go of her hand. " I got a surprise for you ."

" Why would I have to close my eyes ? I don't really like surprises you know. " Max replied reluctantly, a bit confused about the whole situation.

" You'll like this one I promised. " He kissed her cheek and looked at her with puppy eyes. " Just trust me on this one okay ? "

She just nodded and closed her eyes, even if she didn't really feel comfortable.

" Merry Christmas Max ! " Lucas finally said after a couple of second, signalling his girlfriend that she could finally look around her. " Hope you like it ! "

The girl just stared at the medium gift wrapped in a red, shiny packaging he was handing to her.

" Oh my God Lucas what is this ? " She exclaimed with an embarrassed but happy voice, taking the soft package in her hands. " I didn't know we were offering each other gifts I... I tried to save money but I didn't manage to get enough of it and..."

" Hey, it's ok . " He cupped her cheeks and dropped a kiss on her nose. " I didn't do it because I wanted something back. I just wanted to make you happy."

Max flushed and finally opened the gift, revealing a black hoodie with " San Diego, California" written in big red letters on the front.

" You don't talk about it a lot but I know you miss California so...I figured out that maybe, wearing this would make you feel a little more like home." He explained awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. " I understand if you don't like it though, it's not even really pretty and..."

" Shut up you, idiot ! " Max hugged her hoodie closer, tears running down her cheeks.
" How could you think I wouldn't like it ? This is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me ! "

" Oh it is ? Well... Glad you like it then !"

The girl didn't replied anything and just hugged him close. She'd never had a lot of luck in her life but having Lucas around was already more than she could have ever hoped for. Because no matter what, he always managed to make everything special, to make every little moments count.

The boy had hung a sprig of mistletoe on his door and he gently lead Max under it.

" If you really really liked my gift, can I have a kiss now ? " Lucas stared at her with that look she found so adorable and the redhead felt her heart melt. " I mean, you don't have too but it's kinda traditional and..."

Max cut him by leaning over and pressing her soft lips against his.

" You talk way too much Stalker you know that ? "

He grabbed her chin gently and kissed her deeper this time, causing a bunch of butterflies to invade her belly. It was slow, gentle and very very tender, like every kissed the boy gave her but it was also a bit scary. Not a bad scary though, more like the fear you get when you're riding rollercoasters. Because yes, Max was afraid of the feelings she got when Lucas kissed her like this. She was scared because she couldn't help but fall more and more in love with him.

A couple of years ago, the girl was positively sure that she would never get into a relationship because she was just too scared to trust anyone. Since then, Max had decided to give her heart to the most adorable guy she had ever met. Not because that fear had disappeared but because she had finally found someone worth being scared for.

Hi everyone 😁. I had been thinking about writing a Christmas one shot for a while now and I thought that tonight would be the perfect moment to publish it. Anyway, I hope you'll like it and I wish you a merry Christmas ⛄ 😁.

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