Stubborn angel (part 3)

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Before you read this chapter, I just wanted to say that since Robin and Steve weren't in Starcourt when the mindflyer died they obviously couldn't have been kidnapped by the Russians so it'll just be Max. Also, yeah I know that Hopper probably doesn't know how to speak Russian but let's just say he learnt it on a mission ok ?

" We did it kids. " Hopper stated happily as him and Joyce were coming closer to the small group. " We closed the gate, it's over. "

" I'm afraid it's not, Chef. " Billy replied with a worried voice. " The monster is gone but the Russians took my little sister hostage. "

" What ? You mean the Russians have Max ? "

" They do. " Lucas answered this time, his voice shaking despise his greatest efforts. " They have her and we have no idea if she's ok or not..."

" It's alright kid. " Hopper reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
" We're gonna get her back. I need you and Billy to come with me, the others can wait outside for our soldiers to arrive. "

" But dad ! " El protested. " Max is my best friend, I need to go looking for her too ! "

" Look. " The Chef said, kneeling down to her level. " If you go in here with me I won't be able to focus on anything else than keeping you safe and that could make our mission fail. I understand that you want to help Max but the best way to do this right now is doing exactly what I told you, ok ? "

El nodded reluctantly and followed Mike, Joyce and Will outside of the mall.

" Ok, now we can start thinking about a plan. " Hopper said. " Did Mike or El give you any indications about where the Russians might be keeping Max ? "

" I think Mike told me they headed toward the basements of the mall. " Lucas remembered, happy to have something that might help them finding Max. "There are plenty of empty rooms down there so it's probably easier to keep a prisoner. "

" Ok, let's go kicking those bastards' ass then. " Billy exclaimed before walking toward the stairs. " We know where they are so it won't be that difficult. "

" Wait. " Hopper stopped him. " We don't know how many of them are waiting for us and we absolutely need to figure that out before doing anything. If there's an entire army, trying to take them down would be suicide. "

" There isn't an entire army Hope. " Lucas interrupted the older man, already following Billy. " Most of the Russians already evacuated the Mall. The remaining soldiers needed a hostage to make sure our army would let them go since they didn't have enough time to leave but they can't be more than five or six. "

" Ok but they might be heavily armed and I'm not letting you, Billy or Max die on my watch. We're doing it my way or not at all ! "

" What's your plan then ? " Billy grumbled while coming back toward them. " I'm afraid we might not have enough time to afford being very cautious. "

" Don't worry, I know exactly what we need to do. "


" This is ridiculous, they'll never actually believe I'm a Russian soldier. " Lucas mumbled, rolling up the sleeves of his way too big uniform. " Your stupid plan is going to get us killed. "

" It'll work if you keep your mouth shut. " Hopper hissed. " This is the best plan I have to offer and from what I've seen, you don't have anything better to suggest. "

Lucas sighted but stayed quiet, knowing very well that Hopper was right. Dressing up with leftover Russians uniforms and replacing Max's guardians by making them believe that their watch was over was extremely risky. But they didn't have anything better to try.

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