I'm always here

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I do not own any of the following characters, they all belong to the Duffer brothers and Netflix ⚠️⚠️

Lucas was half asleep on his desk. He had been trying to solve his maths problem for hours but nothing was coming, as if his head was empty. It's not that the boy didn't like maths,in fact, it was his favorite subject and he was even pretty good at it. He just wasn't in the mood to focus on anything tonight.

Max didn't talk to him since almost a week and he was still trying to figure out what he did wrong. Did he say something that hurt her ? Or was she just not into him anymore ?
Lucas knew something was wrong. The two teenagers used to hang out every afternoon, going to the arcade together or just staying at the boy's place, cuddling and watching fluffy movies but now Max was just ignoring him.

He was afraid of telling her about his feelings because he didn't want her to be upset or mad at him but the situation was still really painful. Lucas missed his girl. The way she always managed to make him laugh with her stupid jokes. The way her ocean eyes melted with tenderness after every kisses. Her freckles, her fiery hair, her soft lips. Lucas felt like he couldn't work or even live properly without Max by his side.
The boy was still thinking about his girlfriend when he heard several loud knocks on his window.

Getting up of his chair, he hurried toward the noise to see what was happening.
In the dark, under the snow who had started falling a couple of hours ago was Max, shivering in the cold winter wind. Even if there wasn't a lot of light outside, Lucas could still see that she was crying. He knew that his parents would never allow him to invite a girl in his room at this hour but he didn't care and opened his window. Max was his girlfriend and she needed help. There was no way he let her freeze outside.

As Max quickly entered his room, Lucas noticed that she had several bruises on the face. Some scratches on the cheeks and the forehead, a bleeding lips and a black eye. He was really worried and wanted to ask his girlfriend what was going on so bad but he decided to respect her silence. She would talk to him when she is ready, for know he just had to take care of her.

Grabbing a blanket on the tip of his bed, Lucas wrapped it around the shoulder of the frozen girl, rubbing her back gently as she stayed quiet, almost paralyzed. They stayed like this during at least five minutes, Max slowly stopping to shiver until she finally said something :

" Lucas, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here. I didn't mean to bother you or to cause you any troubles " Her voice started to shake et Lucas squeezed her hands softly "I treated you really badly lately even if you haven't done anything wrong and I hurt you and..."

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about okay ? " He wiped out a tear on his girlfriend's cheek " You needed space, I respect that. That's not a big deal !"

" Yes it is Lucas ! " She looked angry now, facing her boyfriend with her ocean eyes full of guilt "Things are not really good at home since about one week and instead of talking with you about it, I just decided to push you away !"

"Wait. " Lucas was trying to stay calm but Max's words were worried him a lot "What do you mean by things are not really good at home ?

"It's about my step dad. He has always been violent and rude but lately, he started to drink. I mean, more than he used to do. I think he has some troubles with his work or whatever. Neil never dared to touch me before, not because he didn't want to but because he managed to control himself but now... " Tears started running down her cheeks and Lucas hugged her gently "He goes home drunk almost every nights and hits my room's door shouting that he's gonna kill me or hurt me or whatever until he finally gets tired. Usually, I manage to hide and prevent him from entering my room but tonight I..."

"Tonight it was already too late" Stuttered the boy as he was still trying to process what Max has just told him.

"He surprised me as I was i the kitchen drinking some coke. I didn't see the hour and it was already 8pm so I didn't have the time to reach my room. He grabbed me " Max's voice broke again and Lucas held her tighter "he pushed me again the wall and tried to hit me. He punched me a couple of times but Billy stopped him and told me to excite the house as soon as possible."

"And you did great. You can stay here as long as you want. " Lucas said brushing her cheek with his thumb. "And I also want you to know that you can trust me, always. No matter what happens in your life, no matter why you need me. I'm always here, Max, and I want to keep you safe."

"I always feel safe when I'm in yours arms " said Max, loosing herself in Lucas' deep chocolate eyes " and I'm sorry if I didn't trust you enough to talk to you earlier."

Lucas wanted to add something but he thought they've had talked enough for the night. Laying himself on the bed next to Max, he buried his head into his girlfriend's fiery hair as her smell of lemon and watermelon filled his nostrils. He had been so close to lose her tonight and he realized how lucky he was to have such a precious girl in his life.

"I love you Madmax " He whispered as she was starting to fall asleep in his arms.

"I love you too stalker ".

Hi everybody (idk who gonna actually take the time to read this shit but whatever). Just hope u enjoyed the story and please, don't hesitate to tell me if I made mistakes (I know I did I'm just too lazy right now) cause English is not my first language and I really want to correct them. Also, tell me if u have requests or cute ideas for future one shots (this book will always contain Lumax and maybe some Elmax or Madwheeler one shots so please, don't ask for Mileven I don't ship them).

Enjoy your reading 😜

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