I need you (part 1)

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For the credibility of that one shot, it obviously happens in a reality where Billy's still alive.

Lucas looked out of his window. The sky was very blue. Not the classic, dull blue of the usual Indiana's sky but a bright, dazzling blue with thousands of different nuances. It was so perfect, so precious that the boy couldn't help but think about his girlfriend's eyes. About his ex girlfriend eyes.

Max and him had broken up exactly five days ago and even if his friends kept urging him to forget her and move on, Lucas was still seeing her every where. In the fresh snow falling on the frozen road. In the sun beams dancing on the windows. In every little details, every seemingly meaningless things because he knew Max would find them beautiful. She had a different way to look at the world, a way that made absolutely everything precious and colorful. And without her, he felt like he was seeing everything black and white.

His radio, playing repeatedly some sad music suddenly started an other song. Lucas closed his eyes and sighted. Of course it has to be that one. The song he and Max danced on together at the snow ball, where they had their first kiss.

" Every breath you take. Every move you make ". A single tear rolled down the boy's cheek and he wiped it away angrily. He couldn't believe he had been that stupid and childish. He couldn't believe he had managed to mess up the best thing that had ever happened to him.

A few weeks ago, a new boy had arrived in their school. White, Blond athletic, rich . Everything that Lucas was not. Brian was the kind of guy who knew what he wanted and always found a way to get it. And what he wanted was Max.

Since the first time he had led his eyes of the redhead, he had kept flirting with her, blowing her kisses constantly, calling her cute names or just staring at her with a way that Lucas didn't like. At all.

Brian and Max had become good friends pretty fast since the boy was also passionate about skateboarding (or was it just a way to get close to the redhead, Lucas couldn't tell) and if Lucas had tried to respect their friendship because, after all, his girlfriend was free to hang out with whoever she wanted, it had soon ended being too much.

Lucas had then confronted Max to tell her he was not really comfortable with the way Brian acted with her but she had blamed him for not trusting her enough and gotten really mad. Lucas knew she was right but his stupid pride had been stronger and he had just left the room telling her that she could crawl to Brian if she wanted because they were done.

He didn't have the worlds to express how much he felt sorry and miserable after that but it was too late. Max had refused to even look at him since then.

Reviewing the whole scene in his head, Lucas was about to spend an other hour on his bed, doing nothing but being sorry for himself when his talkie started to vibrate loudly .

He grabbed it on the floor and hung up. He thought it was just Dustin or Will begging him to come playing with them but when he pressed the button, Max's voice went out of the device .

" Lucas thanks God you hung up. I need your help ! "

The boy looked at his talkie, astonished. Wasn't she with Brian since he was definitely better than him ? He hesitated on whether or not asking her but something held him back. Max's voice was not the same than usual. It was shaky and terrified, as if she was threatened by something. A loud noise got out of the device and Lucas heard her screaming with horror.

" Max what's wrong ? Are you ok ?? " He was trying to control the anxiety in his tone but failed miserably.

" I need you to call the police as fast as possible. My step dad... I don't know what happened to him but he went completely crazy. Billy's trying to stop him but he won't hold on very long ! "

" Ok, ok, I'm gonna call the police, I promise but you need to get out of here Max. You need to get out of here before you get hurt ! "

" I can't leave my brother Lucas. My mother's not home and I don't know what Neal will do to him if I don't try to butt in ."

" What ? No Max ! Billy can handle it on his own ! I'm sure he's strong enough ! If you try to face your step father he will kill you !"

Lucas wanted to add something more, maybe to open up about his feelings but the words didn't pass his lips. He was too proud to be the first one to apologise and besides, he didn't want to say to Max what he had to tell her on the phone. He would do that when they are together again.

" Billy can't handle it alone Lucas, trust me. I know my stepfather and when he's mad like that he's capable of anything ! I'll be careful but please, do as fast as you can. I love you Stalker ."

" What do you mean about anything ? Oh my God Max, I'm not kidding you have to get out of here now. Max ? Max ? "

She hung out abruptly and Lucas stared at his talkie incredulously. He was still having troubles processing the situation but he couldn't afford to lose any minute. Who knew what could happen to Max in one minute ?

Rushing down in the stairs, the boy grabbed the phone and dialed the police station's number. Then, he waited feverishly for someone to hung up. But nobody did.

" Come on hung up the fucking phone !"

Lucas cursed between his lips while doing a new try which ended being as unsuccessful as the first. He screamed helplessly at the police officers who couldn't hear him and had finally to accept that the only help Max would received tonight would be his. He just hoped it would be enough.

The boy ran out of the house and, grabbing his bag, he whizzed in the night toward his ex girlfriend's house. Each pedal stroke was bringing him closer from his destination but it was still not fast enough. He couldn't really say why but he had an ominous feeling and knew that something was happening to Max. Something bad.

As soon as Lucas saw the lights of Max's house, he sped up and let go of his bike in the garden. Then, he ran behind the building and, spotting Max's room open window, he stepped inside the house quietly. As much as he hated breaking into someone's house like that, knocking was just not an option. He might as well call for Max's stepdad to come and choke him to death.

The house was strangely quiet, but not the reassuring quiet you feel when you wake up in your comfy bed during the night. It was more like the calm before a storm. Ominous and filled with a dangerous electricity.

Lucas felt his guts tighten but kept making his way in the dark room. He didn't even know why but really felt like Max needed him and he was not letting his fear preventing him from helping her.

He had almost reached the door when he heard someone screaming loudly. It was too deep to be Max so the boy assumed that it was probably Billy and couldn't help but feel relieved. Until he heard exactly what he was saying.

" Neil please let her go, this is between you and me ! " Billy choked out a sob. " I swear I will never disobey you again I swear but let Max out of this ! "

Lucas started to run as fast as possible, hoping it wasn't too late and hurtled in the living room completely out of breath. There, he saw Billy standing in front of his father who was pinning a barely conscious Max against the wall.

" You see Billy, the problem is no matter how much promises you make to me, you always end breaking them. Always. " He said while looking at him with a vicious smile. " And this is not what I want. I want an obedient son who knows he has to respect his father and I want a son who knows exactly what happens when he doesn't ".

Without letting one second to any of the boy to intervene, he grabbed Max by her collar and smashed her violently against the corner of the kitchen table.

The redhead looked at her boyfriend with a surprised face, as if she couldn't understand what had just happened and then, crumbled on the floor.

Hi everyone! Sorry about letting you on a cliffhanger but I thought this chapter was already long enough . I'll post the next part soon don't worry . And also, please drop some cute requests in the comments I'm really running out of ideas 🥺.

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