stubborn angel (part 2)

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Lucas ran across the mall and finally stopped a few meters away from the monster.

Billy was holding on but it was becoming visibly more and more difficult as the Mindflyer's tentacles pushed against his weakened arms.

Closing his eyes for one second, Lucas allowed himself to think about his girlfriend. How happy she would be to see her brother safe. How much she needed him to come back to her safe.

And then, he completely stopped thinking and threw himself on the monster, grabbing its tentacles.

" What are you doing here kid ! " Billy screamed with horror. " I'm the only one supposed to die tonight, you have to stay to take care of Max ! "

" Nobody's dying tonight. " Lucas managed to reply, already out of breath. " Hopper and Joy are taking care of the gate, we just have to hold on a few more minutes and everything will be fine.  "

Billy opened his mouth to protest but nothing came out. They couldn't afford to lose energy arguing when a gigantic monster was trying to kill them.

The two boys fought side by side for a couple of minutes, punching the Mindflyer's arms and trying to avoid its deadly attacks.

They had never really liked each other but for the first time in their life they had a commun goal. Protecting Max no matter what. Even if it had to cost them their lives.

At some point in the fight, Lucas who wasn't as strong as Billy started to grow tired. His arms weren't as powerful as before, his attacks weaker and more predictable.

The boy tried to keep going because he simply refused to die like this but it was a lost cause.

His legs, weakened by the fight gave up on him and he felt himself collapsing on the floor.

Lucas saw the tentacles coming for him in slow motion and closed his eyes, incapable of looking at the monster.

Tears started rolling on his cheeks as je imagined what his and Max's future would have looked like.

Maybe they would have been together to college and then got married. He knew his girlfriend friend would have been the most adorable bride ever.

More tears rolled on Lucas' cheeks and he prepared himself for the ultimate strike but somehow nothing came.

After a couple of seconds, he blinked and finally looked around him.

The monster wasn't there anymore, vanished in the gate while Billy stood over him, smiling.

" You told me yourself no one was going to die tonight kid. " The older boy sighted with relief, helping Lucas to get back on his feet.

" Wait. " Lucas exclaimed as he noticed a large gash on Billy's left arm. " You're hurt ! "

" It's just a scratch." He shrugged it off. " I would have got way worse if I had had to fight this thing alone.  I still don't get why you would risk your life for an asshole like me though. "

" To be fair, I didn't do it for you. " Lucas answered honestly. " You never gave me any reason to risk my life for you but it was the only way to make sure Max would be happy. "

" She doesn't need me for that. " The older guy whispered. " How could she after everything that happened between us ? "

" I don't know either. " Lucas admitted.
" But given the fact that she was willing to get herself killed for you she surely does. With her mother who doesn't seem to give a shit about her, you're the only family she has left after all. "

Billy simply nodded and the two boys made their way out of the battle field, both amazed to be still alive.

" Is she safe ? " Billy finally asked after a few minutes. " Max, I mean. You said she was ready to get herself killed for me, where is she now ? "

" Don't worry about that, she's absolutely f- "

" Lucas ! " Mike suddenly interrupted him. " Oh my god, you're alive ! "

He didn't answer, only focused on his friend's empty arms. El, who was standing beside him wasn't carrying Max either.

" Where is she ? " Lucas asked. holding back an angry scream. " What have you done with my girlfriend ? "

" The Russians took her. " He answered reluctantly. " They said they wanted hostages for when our army arrives. "

" And how come they didn't take the both of you with them as well huh ? Why was it just my girl ? "

" We fled but I promised you we had no other choices. " Mike tried to justify himself, protecting his face from some eventual punches. " They were coming for us and Max was too heavy to be moved and she wouldn't wake up and... I couldn't choose her safety over El's. "

" You promised me you'd watch over her ! " Lucas cried out. " How could you do that to me !? What about " brothers have to help each other out ? "

" First of all I did try to help you out but I wasn't going to risk my own girlfriend's life for that and second of all none of this would have happened if you hadn't knocked Max out..."

" Wait what ? " Billy interrupted him suddenly. " Why did you knock her out Lucas ?? "

" Because she wouldn't listen to me and was about to put herself in danger ! " Lucas screamed back. " And she would have been perfect fine if Mike hadn't left her behind ! "

" I told you I had no other choice ! "

" Stop screaming ! " El finally stopped them. " I'm sorry we had to leave Max behind Lucas but it's not too late. I heard the Russians saying that they were taking the hostages to the third floor. If we go together we can still save her ! "

" Wait, the hostages ? Are there more people with her ? "

" They managed to get Steve and Robin as well. " Mike answered him sadly. " And they would have taken us too if we hadn't left. "

Lucas grabbed him by the collar, blinded by his anger but Billy stopped him.

" Trust me, I want to punch this asshole too but we don't have time for this right now. " He whispered to him, trying to calm him down. " And besides I'm sure you would have done the exact same thing for Max. "

Lucas tried to protest but realize that it was probably true. If he had had to choose between El and Max he would have picked the red head. He would have picked her over the whole world.

" Ok great. " El stated. " Now that the argument is over, how do we get our friend back ? "

So here's the second part of this one shot. I was originally planning on doing only two parts but I finally decided on three because why not ? Anyway, tell me what you thought about it and I hope you enjoy your reading 👍.

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