Truth or dare

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The party is having a sleepover at Mike's place

"  I'm so bored ! " Mike whined, pushing away the d and d game Will was handing to him. " I mean, no offense Will but we play that game at literally every sleepovers. Don't you think it's time for a change ? "

" I agree with the rat. " Max stepped in. " He doesn't say smart things very often but for time, he's right. D and d isn't really funny anymore. "

" Oh yeah ? " Will pouted, obviously annoyed by their behavior. " Then what do you guys propose ? We're not going to spend the night just doing nothing ! "

" I say we play truth or dare. " Mike replied, a devilish smile on the face.

" No, no way. " Lucas interrupted him, earning an angry glare from his girlfriend. " We can play any game you want but not truth or dare. "

" But it's the funniest game we have ! " Max and Mike shouted back at the same time !

" It's funny but not when two players want to kill one another and don't respect the rules ! "

" But we respect the rules Lucas ! " Mike complained, trying to convince his best friend. " It's not my fault if you're not funny ! "

" Mike, the last time we played, you ended up in the hospital with stitches and Max caught a cold that knocked her out for one whole week. We are not doing that again."

" It won't happen again, we'll play by the rules ! " Max promised, looking at her boyfriend with puppy eyes. " Please Lucas, it'll be fun !"

The boy was still not pleased with this idea at all but he couldn't resist his girlfriend when she looked at him that way.

" Fine then. " He mumbled. " But no dares that can cause any kind of bruises, diseases or anything harmful. "

" What ? " Mike whined again. " But that the funniest part of the game ! And how I am suppose to get rid of the carrot if I can't dare her to do anything dangerous ? "

" How did you just call me ? " Max screamed, getting on top of Mike to punch his face. " Take it back right now ! "

" Okay, okay Max. Calm down. " Lucas sighted, holding his girlfriend back.
" I agreed to play your game so no more argument tonight alright ? "

The two enemies lowered their head and nodded, glaring at each other with death looks.

" Very Well then. " Dustin stepped in, sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. " Who wants to start ? "

" I will since y'all rejected my idea. " Will answered, obviously still a bit angry. " So Mike, truth or dare ? "

" Truth. " The raven haired boy replied, making a face at Max as she was silently mouthing the word chicken at him.

" Ok then. Do you like boys ? " Will asked, earning chocked looks from everyone else in the room. " No particular reason of course. "

" First of all, my sexuality is none of your business and second of all, no I don't Will. I'm indeed pretty much in love with El, right there. "

The brunette blushed and Mike leaned in to kiss her as Max was pretending to throw up behind them.

" Mike ! " Lucas protested. " What did we agree on ? No making out when we're hanging out together ! "

The raven haired pulled away, going back to his spot on the floor.

" Like I didn't have the right to kiss my girlfriend anymore. Anyway, it's my turn now so... " He stopped, glaring at Max with an evil expression." Truth or dare Carrot ? "

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