Stubborn Angel

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Hi so, this one shot takes place on the 4th of July 1985 and it's basically my own version of the Starcourt battle. I wrote this a while ago so sorry if it comes out of no where. Also, I still haven't written the second part of this one shot so tell me if you would rather see a happy or a sad ending 😊.

"Shit man, we gotta go !" Mike shouted as a huge tentacle hit the wall right above them, missing Lucas' face from a few inches. " Come on, come on. Let's
move ! "

The raven haired stood up and started to run while Lucas looked at Max worriedly. She was  fine but had twisted her ankle earlier and he was not sure that she would be able to walk alone.

" You think you can get up ? " The boy asked his girlfriend as she was groaning in pain. " If you can't it's fine, I'll help you but we can't stay here ! "

Max tried to stood up by herself but ended up collapsing on the floor again, her face as white as a sheet.

" I think it's broken Lucas. " She looked at him with a gloomy  face, tears rolling down her cheeks. " I'm so sorry but I won't be able to go anywhere like that. "

" Hey, don't cry ! It's okay. " He kneeled down and pressed his forehead against her. " I'm going to carry you and everything will be just fine. "

" But what if you hurt yourself because of me ? You should just let me here, it would be better for everyone. "

" There's no way I'm abandoning you so it's either you let me carry you or we both die here. Shit !!! " Lucas cursed as an another tentacle was coming for them.  " Come on Max, we don't have time anymore ! "

The redhead finally climbed reluctantly on her boyfriend back and he sped up as fast as possible toward the other side of the mall. It was a bit far but Max was very light so Lucas managed to cover the distance  in time.

Out of breath, he finally let go of his girlfriend who sat down against the wall, still not believing that they had really survived that.

" Where's El ? " Mike asked with a worried ton as Lucas was hugging Max to reassure her. " Did Billy take her ? "

They all looked around, trying to locate the brunette but she was no where to be seen.

" Over there ! " Max exclaimed after a couple of minutes, showing a place behind them. " I think she's coming toward us ! "

El quickly joined them, blood streaming down her face and completely out of breath. Of course, Mike rushed immediately toward her and wrapped her in his arms protectively.

" You're ok ? " He asked, cupping his girlfriend's face to check on her. " What happened out there ? "

" I'm fine ." El pressed her forehead on his and sighted. " Hopper and Joyce are taking care of the gate and Billy is holding back the Mindflayer. I wish I could help them but without my powers, I'm useless. I think the best we can do right now is to get out of here and...

" Wait. " Max cut her suddenly. " Billy is what ? I thought he had left the Mall a long time ago ! How is that possible ? "

" He saved me. " El answered, looking at her with sad eyes. " I don't  know exactly what happened but at some point during our fight, he regained his lucidity and instead of letting me dealing with the monster, he just pushed me away and tried to hold it back by himself. "

" So you're telling me that Billy literally saved your ass and now you want to let him die ?" Tears started running down her face and her voice broke.
" He is my brother we can't leave him ! "

" Max... " Lucas tried to comfort her and put a hand on her shoulder.
" We're not strong enough to stand a chance against that monster. We're unarmed and El doesn't have her powers anymore... I'm so sorry but trying to help Billy would be suicide. "

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