Screw them

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Just to be clear, I had to use some racist insults in this one shot but it was only for the plot, I don't think any of that.

It was the last hour of class before Christmas break and every minutes felt like a whole hour to Max. She was trying very hard to pay attention to mister Clarke's speech about ... What was it even about ? But it was a lost battle. In a couple of minutes, she would be free to go join her boyfriend and start their Christmas holidays together but for time she was stuck in that class room and she couldn't wait anymore .

The bell finally rang after what had seemed to Max like a hundred years and, grabbing her stuff, she hurried out of the class along with the other students.

In the corridors full of people running, screaming or laughing extremely loudly, the red-head couldn't find her boyfriend anywhere . Hoping that he would have waited for her next to the entrance, she started heading toward the gate and  felt someone hugging    her from behind .

"Lucas ", she giggled as he lifted her in the air. " Put me down, you're making me dizzy !"

" As you whish princess !"

Lucas let her go, kissing her neck  and causing her to blush like crazy. They both looked at each other with puppy eyes and Max leaned in to reach her boyfriend's lips. He put his hand on her red cheek and the two lovebirds melted into the kiss, feeling like they were on top of the world.

" Oh Ginger's naughty today, I see. " Troy said with a vicious smile while approaching the couple. " When will it be my turn ? "

Lucas pulled away and clenched his fist with anger, facing the bully who, once again, had managed to ruin everything.

" Do not talk about her like that Troy. She is not a fucking peace of meat or an object ! Your dad didn't teach you to respect girls ?"

" He didn't but he told me how to treat people like you Sinclair. " He answered while looking at him with a disgusted face.

" People like me ? " Lucas didn't know what he meant by that but he was aware of the fact that it was definitely not a compliment.

" Yeah, you know the one with the wrong skin color who would rather go back to their country !"

Lucas reminded speechless, boiling from inside but not wanting to get in trouble either. Sure, he could punch him but he was not dumb enough to ignore the consequences of his actions. Troy would go complain to the headmaster and he would get detention and his vacations would be ruined. He just wanted to go home with Max and forget about this stupid argument even if, deep down, he was really hurt.

His girlfriend, however, didn't see things like at at all. She was not letting anyone insulting the boy she loved.

" What. Did. You. Just. Say ? " The redhead asked, looking at Troy with a death glare.

" I said that your boyfriend should go back to his country so you can know how it feels to date a real man, babe."

The last word made Max lost the bit of self control she had managed to keep.

" You racist pig I swear I'm going to end you ! " She shouted, Lucas unsuccessfully trying to hold her back.

" Can't wait to see t-"

Max interrupted him by smashing her skateboard on the boy's noise, causing it to start bleeding with an horrible crack. Troy groaned in pain and stared at her with an incredulous look.

" That bitch, she broke my nose !"

He managed to punch Max once before Lucas kicked him in the balls. Troy still on the ground, they ran as fast as possible and didn't stop before they reached the boy's house.

Hopefully, Lucas's parents were not home and nor was Erica which avoided any awkward conversation about Max swollen lips or her skateboard covered in blood.

He lead his girlfriend to his room and then went take a towel in the bathroom to cleaned her bruise. She felt perfectly fine but could still see that Lucas was really upset about this.  He came back with a bowl of water and started to press the cloth against Max's lips, conscientiously avoiding her gaze.

" Lucas, what's wrong ? " She asked while trying to crossed her boyfriend look.

He kept his head down and didn't answer. Now Max was really worried and couldn't help  but wonder what she had done wrong.

" Babe, please look at me you're scaring me !"

Lucas finally lifted his head and Max could see that his eyes were full of tears.

" Hey" She said softly, caressing his cheek with her thumb. " Don't be sad because of Troy, he's just an asshole ! "

" I know, I know but it's not about the racist shit, I'm used to it now."

" Then what ? " The red-head ask again with a worried tone, hating to see her boyfriend like that without being able to comfort him.

" Just look at you Max ! " He answered so brutally that she thought he was about to break up with her. " Look at what he did to you because of me !"

" What ? My lip ? But that's nothing, it'll be healed in a couple of days and...

" That' s not nothing Max ! That's a bruise you got because of me, because it's not safe to be around me ! " She tried to say something but he didn't let her. " You are... You are my girlfriend which means I'm supposed to protect you but I feel like I'm just putting you in danger ! Maybe Troy's right. Maybe I don't have the right skin co-"

Max cut him by putting a finger on his lips and wipe out a tear from his cheeks.

" Never talk like that about yourself Lucas Sinclair. You hear me ? Never !"

She hugged him tight and he hugged her back but she could still see he was not fine.

" Ok, you know what ? Maybe  my lip wouldn't be like that if I was dating an other boy but you remember what you told me at our first date ? " Max asked while rubbing his back.

" When we went eating at the arcade after your stepdad chased me down around the house because he didn't like me ? " He answered without being able to hold back a giggle, remembering that crazy night.

" Yeah. Yeah exactly. I felt like shit after that. I thought it was all my fault because I had a horrible family and you remember what you told me ? "

" That even if the whole world was chasing me down for being with you, I wouldn't care because you were the only world I needed..."

" Because you are the only word I need Stalker ! I don't freaking care about what others think of our relationship, whether it's my dad or Troy or our president ! You make me happy and I always feel safe when I am in your arms. I love you Lucas and I will never give up on you, especially not because of some racist pigs ! "

" Okay well at least don't bring your skateboard into that. I mean, being smashed against Troy's face ? Seriously ? The poor thing, nobody deserves that ! "

" Oh well at least it was efficient ! " She answered with a satisfied face that made Lucas laugh again.

" Efficient ? You mean you literally crushed his nose !"

" Oh yeah I definitely did. Probably one of the best moments of my life though ."

They looked at each other and suddenly, everything felt okay. They didn't know what their future will be but they knew they would always have each other and it was the only thing that mattered.

Please, don't forget to vote and comment and also I'm sorry for all the mistakes you certainly found in that one shot. I've been really busy with school lately so I guess I'm becoming a bit lazy 😅. Anyway, enjoy your reading 😜.

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