The first I love you part 3

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Lucas was walking in the dark forest, shivers running down his spine as the cold wind scratched his skin. He had left El's house about half an hour ago and, despise the fading light making it difficult for him to see properly, he knew he wasn't really far from Max.

After another few steps, the boy finally spotted the big tree trump El had seen in her vision and stopped in the middle of the path.

" Max ! " He yelled as loud as he could, trying to see through the darkness with his flashlight. " Can you hear me ? "

He waited a couple of seconds and was about to start screaming again when his light stopped on a red strain, down the hill. It could have been anything but Lucas recognized his girlfriend's hair right away.

Jumping over bushes and rocks, he hurried down the slope and finally found the hole El had seen in her vision. As she had said, it was a deep one, maybe around 6 inches deep. Max was curled up in a ball at the bottom, her eyes closed and her left leg twisted in an anormal angle.

Lucas felt his heart dropped in his chest at the sight of his girlfriend. He knew that if he went down that hole, he'd be stuck there during two hours without being able to escape but what choice did he have ? The boy wasn't even sure if Max was alive or not and he wasn't going to just sit there, waiting in the cold to know if his soulmate was gone for good !

Taking a deep breath, Lucas kneeled down and grabbed a big root at the edge of the hole. Then, he let himself fall into it, holding on the root and when he felt like his feet were only a couple of feet above the ground, he dropped everything.

The dark-skinned landed softly on his feet, safe and sound. A chance that the unconscious redhead on his left obviously hadn't had.

" Max !" He turned around to look at his girlfriend, feeling instantly relieved at the sight of her chest moving up and down.

" Stalker ? " She suddenly opened her eyes, calling him with a hoarse voice quivering with pain and exhaustion.
" What... What are you doing here ? What happened ? "

" Well, I was hoping you could tell me but I guess you probably went out for a walk and hurt your leg because you didn't see the hole. "

" Hurt my leg ? " Max questioned, trying to look behind her boyfriend to see her legs. " What is wrong with my ... "

The girl didn't even finish her sentence, her face turning white at the sight of her bloody leg from which a bone was sticking out.

" You shouldn't look at it. " Lucas quickly reacted, taking a blanket out of his backpack to cover the injury with it. " I know it looks really bad but it'll be fixed soon, alright ? El's going to contact me when Hopper gets home and they'll come looking for us ! "

Max mumbled something inaudible, her eyes halfway closed and Lucas shook her softly.

" Hey, stay with me okay ? " He asked her, brushing his thumb against her cheek to comfort her. " I'm sure we won't have to wait for too long, just hold on a little bit for me."

" I'm not going anywhere Stalker " Max stated, straightening up to show him she was still wide awake. " I need more than a stupid little wound like this to be taken down you know. "

" Max... " He sighted. " You're left leg is broken and you've been freezing at the bottom of a hole for two hours. I think you can admit that you're actually in pain without being ashamed. "

" Pain ? " She tired to give him a sarcastic smile but failed miserably. " I don't know what that word means. "

Lucas just shrugged, not bothering to reply anything to that. After all, their relationship had always worked that way : Max pretending that she was okay and her boyfriend trying to bring her as close to okay as possible.

Picking an other blanket in the back, he wrapped it around Max's shoulders and started rubbing her back gently. Her skin was awfully cold and it was a real miracle that she hadn't frozen when she was unconscious.

The redhead tried to protest but she was so freezing and exhausted that she ended up letting her boyfriend doing it. She even scooted closer to him, leaning on his shoulder to protect herself of the cold.

" I'm sorry. " Max whispered after a few minutes, her eyes closed as the pain was becoming more and more unbearable. " I shouldn't have told you what I told you this afternoon. It was really awful of me."

" Hey, don't say that. " Lucas replied softly. " It was my fault too. But we don't have to talk about it just now, I don't want you to waste your energy for nothing. "

" I want to Lucas. " She made an effort to open her eyes but didn't manage to do it. " You know, you really are the most important person in my life. Before you, I didn't know what love or comfort or even safety really means. It was like I was lost in an endless chasm of pain and sadness and no matter how loud I was screaming, nobody cared enough to actually try to help me. But you saw right through that Lucas. I didn't make things easy for you but you still came at the bottom of that chasm to save me. Just like you did tonight. "

" Oh I ..." Lucas just said, not knowing how to react to that unexpected confession. " You've never told me about that. "

" Of course I didn't. " She winced in pain again, her forehead covered with sweat." I would have rather die than admitting it. You know, I have always thought that having feelings would make me weaker, that the only way for me to get through life was to keep my walls up at all times. So that no one could ever hurt me like my father or my mother did. And then, you showed up and for the first time during all those years, I started feeling things again. I started to be happy which was so amazing but also scary at the same time. I thought I could handle that fear but you confessed your love for me and I realized I felt the same and I... I screwed up so bad. And I'm so sorry about that because I would never want to hurt you. "

" Don't apologise for that Max, I understand. " Lucas stroke her hair gently, desperately trying to ease her pain. " I hadn't realized how scary the whole thing was for you and I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I don't care if you're not ready to tell me that you love me yet, the simple fact to have you by my side already makes me the happiest guy on earth everyday ! "

" I just want you to be aware of the fact that I would have never admitted all of those things if the pain hadn't made me lose my self control. " She just replied back, along with a groan of pain. " So the next time I open my eyes, please just act like I didn't say anything. "

" What at you talking about ? " Lucas questioned " You didn't tell me anything tonight ! "

For the first time since he had found her, the shadow of a smile appeared on Max's face and he pulled her closer, trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

A few moments later, Lucas felt his talkie buzzing and he picked it up quickly, more relieved than ever to hear El's voice on the other side.

He communicated her their location as precisely as possible and the brunette assured him that Hopper would be here to rescue them in no time.

" Hey Max," The boy nudged his girlfriend, turning off his talkie as the conversation had ended. " You heard that ? They are coming for us, we're going to get out of there ! "

As Lucas wasn't getting any answers, he looked over at his girlfriend and saw her completely passed out, her head buried in his chest.

He started by freaking out but Max's steady breathing and peaceful face reassured him right away and he decided not to wake her up.

The boy knew that the short moment of honesty they had just shared was something absolutely unique that wouldn't happened again before a long time.

Max would probably need months to admit that what she had told him was true. It was even very likely that she would have forgotten their discussion when she woke up but that didn't really matter. Because Lucas would never forget.

Hi ! I know I'm a bit late this week so sorry about that. Please, tell me what you thought of the story in the comments 😊.

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