Chicken noodle soup

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Lucas rolled on his side and grumbled in pain in the unbearable heat of his sheets. Since he had woken up this morning, he felt like a metal band was playing in his head, bumping against his skull at every single minutes without letting him any rest. His throat was as dry as sandpaper and he kept coughing and sneezing uncontrollably.

He had forgotten his coat at home the day before and spent the whole day shivering in the cold winter wind and there he was now. Completely incapable to get out of his bed and feeling like he was actually going to die.

Closing his eyes, Lucas started to doze off again but heard someone knocking on his room's door.

" I'm fine mum just let me sleep please ! " He mumbled weakly, pressing his pillow above his head.

" It's just me Stalker. Can I come in please ? I brought you some stuffs. "

Even in his bubble of pain and dizziness, Lucas felt his heart melt at the sound of his girlfriend's soft voice. The simple fact to hear her was already helping him to feel better.

" Of course you can but I warn you " His voice broke with a coughing fit. " I'm a total mess ! "

Right after his agreement, Max entered the room and ran to his bed. Laying her hand on Lucas' forehead, she gave him a worried look.

" Oh my God Lucas, you're burning ! I should have given you my hoodie yesterday. What kind of girlfriend am I now ? I'm sorry I ..."

" Hey, it's ok. " He cupped her cheeks gently, brushing his thumb against her soft skin.
" You know I would have refused anyway and besides, there's nothing to worry about. I just need some rest and I'll be fine ! "

Max nodded but she still seemed a bit guilty about it.

" Well, I don't know if it's my fault or not but I made you something to apologise. " She kneeled down and grabbed a square box in her bag. " I hope you like soup Stalker ! "

Lucas stared at his girlfriend with an incredulous look, his mouth open in amazement.

" You... You cooked that by your own ? Like with your own hands ? " "

" Yup and let me tell you that I'm very proud of myself ! "

Smiling victoriously, she took a spoon in her bag and started to open the box. Lucas just stared at it with suspicious eyes. Max was  gifted for a lot of things but cooking was definitely not her greatest talent. The only time she had actually tried to make pasta with him, she had accidentally almost  burnt the whole house down.

Max soaked the spoon in the brownish liquid and tried to put it in her boyfriend's mouth but Lucas moved back quickly.

" I... It surely tastes wonderfully but are you a hundred percents sure it's edible ? I'm too young to die poisoned ! "

" Shut up dumbass you're acting like a baby ! " Max whined playfully and nudged his side.

" I'm not acting like a baby I'm just... I'm not really hungry right now and..."

" Look, I made that soup for you and it took me quite a great amount of time so please, at least give it a shot. I'm sure you won't regret it... Please ? "

She looked at him with puppy eyes and he knew he had lost the battle. He would probably puke that thing in the toilets later but he didn't want to be rude so his options were pretty limited.

Closing his eyes, Lucas finally open his mouth reluctantly and Max poured the hot liquid in it. At the beginning, he was scared to swallow any of it but he realized that it was not that bad. In fact, it was even absolutely perfect. Salted exactly like he liked it with a little bit of spice and a strong mixt of flavors.

Max gave him an another spoonful, then another, then another and he ended finishing the box in a couple of minutes. For his throat dry and atrociously painful, this warm liquid was like a bandage, soft and comforting.

" You were not hungry huh ? " His girlfriend teased him, putting the box back in her bag.

" Forget about what I said, you're definitely an amazing cook . "

Saying that, Lucas felt his eyelids becoming heavier and yawned noisily. Max saw that he was tired and started to pack her things.

" What are you doing ? " He whined as she was closing her bag. " Is there something wrong ? "

" There's nothing wrong stalker. " She replied, kissing his forehead and running her fingers through his fizzy hair tenderly . " I'm just going to leave so you can get some rest."

She started to walk out of the room but Lucas stopped her.

" I don't want you to get sick because of me but could you stay with me a little longer ? Honestly you're far more efficient than any medicines I've received today ."

Max blushed slightly and put off her shoes.

" You know how to talk to girls Don Juan. "

" Guess I'm a romantic guy. " He smiled, rolling on his side to leave her a place next to him. " Come here . "

Max lifted the blanket and laid down next to her boyfriend. Curling up against him, she wrapped her arms around his torso, and caressed his burning skin with her soft hands.

Lucas closed his eyes as a feeling of complete safety invaded him. He had felt completely awful since he first opened his eyes this morning but being in the girl he loved's arms was enough to throw away any kind of pain.

Yeah this is short and bad but anyway.

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