I wish you were mine

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This is an El centric one shot where she's basically jealous of Lucas because she's in love with Max. I know it's kinda different from what I usually publish in this book but it still features Lumax' relationship so here you go.

El could hear loud music playing in the background, people's laughters echoing through the house.

A few minutes ago, she was having fun with them but all of the sudden she had needed a break from the noise and decided to retire in a small room away from the party.

Maybe the girl was tired of the noise or maybe she just didn't want to hear Max telling everyone about her relationship with Lucas. Maybe she couldn't bear to see the girl she was in love with talking about someone else like this.

El hated herself for feeling that way. She hated herself for not being truly happy for Max, for not managing to put her stupid jealousy aside.

She would have probably felt less guilty if Lucas had been a bad person, a bad guy who would break up with Max at the first occasion. But he wasn't.

She knew the boy deserved to be with her more than she would ever do. He had been there for Max when El didn't even know her. He had watched over her, protected her and saved her in so many ways.

He was the right guy for Max so why was it so hard to see them together ? Why did she feel like breaking down whenever her best friend talked about her unconditional love for him ?

El didn't matter to her, not the way Lucas did and no matter how many times she had tried to convince herself that things were better off that way, it still didn't feel right.

She girl took a shaky breath and was wipping out her cheeks when she felt someone sitting beside her.

" Hey... " Max whispered softly. " Are you ok ? I was getting worried ! "

" Yeah, I am. " El simply replied, trying to hide the shakiness of her voice.
" You don't have to stay with me, I'm absolutely fine. "

" Of course I'm staying with you ! " Max stated, leaning her head on her best friend's shoulder.  " You're my best friend, I'm not gonna leave you alone. "

El closed her eyes, not trusting herself to reply without bursting into tears.
She desperately wanted to tell Max to go away. To come back to Lucas, to have fun without her. But she couldn't.

She couldn't because having Max this close to her felt like a miracle. It felt like having something really really pleasant warming up her body. It felt like home and even more than that.

But it was also burning her from the inside. Because even sitting a few feet away from her, Max was unreachable.  Always so close and yet so far from her, a wall she would never be able to cross keeping them apart.

" You sure everything's fine ? " Max asked again after a couple of minutes.
" You can tell me anything you know that right ? "

El nodded and her best friend frowned in disbelief but didn't say anything.
" She wants to respect my personal space". The girl thought, her heart aching. " She knows I'm not fine but she doesn't to force me to say anything."

This was new for El. Seeing Max being caring, gentle and protective like this with her. The girl, despise having a good heart usually preferred acting tough and loud around everyone and wasn't that good at comforting people.

But there she was, gently rubbing the brunette's back as she sobbed over a girl she would never have. Little did she know she was the reason of her best friend's broken heart.

And somehow it made everything even worse.

" So you want to come back inside ? " Max whispered as her best friend had finally calmed down. " There's no rush but it's kinda cold here and I don't want you to be sick. "

El sighted and finally agreed to follow her inside. Did she really want to see Lucas and everyone else again ? Absolutely not. But Max missed him and she refused to be a burden to her. She refused to prevent her from getting the fun she deserved more than anyone else.

The girls made their way through the dark corridor and finally came back to the living room where everyone was dancing.

Max shot her a questioning/concerned look and El simply nodded to show her that she was fine.

The red head hesitated but finally joined Lucas on the dance floor.

El watched the two lovebirds kissing each other from afar and forced herself to smile.

Max looked so happy with him. It was almost like the broken girl El had seen in the past was completely gone. Like she was finally coming to life again.

The brunette's body was cold and numb, her heart burning with hurt and jealously but it didn't really matter to her .

Because Max was happy. And if Max was happy then so was she. Even if it could never be with her.

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