I'm not going anywhere (part 2)

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Lucas opened his eyes, a moon beam tickling his cheek. He yawned and try to move but felt a weight on his shoulder, noticing Max, curled up against him. She was fast asleep, her breath softly brushing his neck and the dark skinned boy couldn't help but smile brightly. He was very glad to see that his girlfriend was finally managing to take some rest.

The past few days had been really hard for the both of them. Since their talk, Max had finally decided to let down her walls with him, at least a little and if he was relieved to be able to help her, seeing his girl completely broken was still extremely hard for him.

She was usually fine during the day as Lucas was keeping her busy enough to avoid thinking about her brother too much but the night was another story. It was like the simple fact to close her eyes triggered an unbearable wave of memories, the night of that 4th of July 1985 happening over and over under the girl's eyelids.

Lucas, who sneaked out of his room every night to stay with her, had really tried everything but nothing seemed capable to calm her down, apart from her boyfriend's arms where she usually collapsed of exhaustion one or two hours before dawn.

Tonight was a pretty good night, though. Max had drifted off after only one hour and the two had gotten more than five hours of sleep already.

Lucas gently removed a strand of fiery hair from his girlfriend face. He hadn't seen her that peaceful and innocent since Billy's death and she was just adorable.

" I love you princess." He whispered, kissing her forehead softly " I'm gonna keep you safe."

On this words, the boy closed his eyes again and started to drift back to sleep when he heard Max mumbling something.

" Hey, you're alright" ? Lucas asked with a worried tone, feeling his girlfriend stirring in his arms. " Sorry if I woke you up !"

Waiting for an answer, he finally turned back to face Max and realized that her face was no longer peaceful but twisted with fear and pain. Her body began to shake and Lucas felt a dreadful feeling invading him. He already knew what was coming and it was not good at all.

" Billy, no !! " She sobbed, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. " Wake up please, breath, you can't be gone. You can't be gone I need you !"

" Max" Lucas stuttered, tears rolling on his cheeks as well. " Max I'm sorry about your brother but this happened a long time ago. It's over now, it's over. "

" Billy !" The red head kept crying out in such a heartbreaking way that Lucas felt shivers running down his spine. " I'm sorry for being such a bad sister. I'm so sorry but please don't leave me. Don't leave me !"

She seemed to remained completely unaware of his presence, as if she was not in the room with him anymore but stuck in her worst memories, in Starcourt Mall.

" Max, open your eyes please ! " His voice broke and he wiped away his tears " Please Max I know you're probably thinking that what you see is real but it's not. You're safe ! Look at me Max ! It's gonna be okay I promise, just open your eyes ! "

Lucas kept shaking his girlfriend, her eyes remaining desperately closed. She seemed to be in such an atrocious pain, as if she was drowning in her own fears. The boy always tried to comfort her whenever she needed it but she was trapped somewhere he couldn't reach her. He couldn't do anything but stay here, watching the girl he cared about the most crying and yelling of desperation. And it was killing him.

After what seemed to Lucas being hours, Max's eyelids fluttered open. Without even thinking about it, he wrapped his arms against her and she looked at him with her blue eyes full of fear :

" Thanks for being here Stalker" she whispered, her voice shaking. "I've just done the worst nightmare ever. Billy was dead and there was all this blood and screams and an horrible monster..."

" Max..."

She seemed so released and genuinely happy that he felt his heart broke a little more.

" What's wrong Stalker ?"

" I..."

The dark-skinned boy stopped in the middle of his sentence, not knowing what to say next and hoping that Max would remember the situation at some point. Maybe he was a coward but he didn't want to be the one who would wipe away that adorable smile from her face. He just couldn't.

After a few minutes of confusion, Lucas saw the light in Max's eyes faded and her smile disappeared.

"He's dead, isn't he ? " She said with a blank tone that wasn't even really questioning
" He's dead and I will never see him again."

" I'm so so sorry. I didn't know how to tell you..."

" Don't apologise Stalker, I understand it's just ... " Her voice started to shake a little and her vision became blurry. " I wish I could have told him that I forgave him. I know he did a lot of bad things. He hurt me and the people I love, including you but I've never stopped thinking that he was not a bad person and that deep down, he just wanted to be happy. Despite everything else, he was still my brother and I miss him so much Lucas. I miss him ! "

The red head started to sob in her boyfriend chest and Lucas held her tight, rubbing her back gently.

" It's ok  Max. I got you. Everything gonna be alright, everything gonna be alright. " He felt a little dumb saying that because he knew that no word would really be able to make her feeling better but he kept talking anyway. What else could he do ? " I know you miss him and I can't really do anything about that but I'm always here for you Madmax and things gonna get better. I promise."

She didn't answer anything and he held her tighter, knowing that he had the world between his arms.

After a few minutes, Max started to calm down and her eyelids became heavier and heavier. She didn't want to fall asleep again, afraid that the nightmares would come back but the exhaustion quickly overtook her and she drifted into unconsciousness.

Lucas noticed her deep breath and kept stroking her hair absentmindedly. He couldn't really sleep in the uncomfortable position he was in but that didn't matter anyway. The boy wasn't planning on taking some rest, he needed to stay awake and watch over his girlfriend to make sure she was safe.

Hey, I hoped you enjoy the one shot and I'm sorry about all the mistakes but I was just too lazy to correct them. Anyway, please tell me what you think of my book in the comments or drop some one shots ideas, I love reading comments 😁.

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