Prom night

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Thanks theratunderyourbed- for the suggestion. I hope you'll enjoy the one shot 😉.

Lucas sat on his chair, rubbing his hands nervously as Mike, Will and Dustin watched him with amused eyes.

" Come on dude. " Mike nudged his side, trying to cheer him up. " You and Max have been dating for four years now. There's no way she's gonna say no !"

" But how do you know that huh ? " Lucas replied nervously, glaring at his girlfriend who was chatting with El a couple of tables from them. " Maybe she doesn't like that kind of things. Maybe she's going to think I'm stupid ! "

" No she won't dummy ! " Will sighted and patted his friend's shoulder. " Max may no really be into girly things but she's still a girl and she loves you ! "

" So...?"

" So every girls dream about going to prom with the guy or the girl they're in love with ! Besides, the cupcake you baked for her is pretty cute and I'm sure Max's gonna melt for it. "

Lucas huffed, looking at the small yellow cake with the inscription " will you go to prom with me ?" neatly written on it's icing. Will was write, Max would absolutely love it. Would she ? What if the whole thing seemed ridiculous or childish to her ?

Brushing away any negative thought from his mind, the boy stood up of his seat and started to walk as fast as possible toward his girlfriend. He was very scared to chicken out half way but finally made it to Max's table and looked at her awkwardly.

" You want something Stalker ? " The redhead asked with a teasing voice, making Lucas cheeks go even redder.

" I... I..." He scratched the back of his head nervously and handed the box to Max. " You should probably open this. The cupcake say it all".

She was a bit confused but opened the box anyway. Lucas then saw her face changing from surprise to pure happiness and she grinned brightly.

" Finally you did it huh ? I thought I was going to end up asking you out myself ! "

Lucas opened his mouth to protest but Max stopped him by dropping a short kiss on his lips.

" Don't worry, I was just joking around. It will be an honor to go to Prom with you. " She whispered in his hear before pulling away from the hug to look him in the eyes.

" And it will be an honor to walk there with the prettiest girl of the school. " Lucas whispered back, receiving a small slap at the back of his head from his girlfriend.

" Don't call me pretty dumbass !"

" But you are !"

" No I'm not stop being ridiculous ! "

Lucas giggled but didn't reply anything because he was a bit scared for his head. That didn't prevent him from knowing that he would really get to go to prom with the most gorgeous girl of the world though.

Time skipped to Prom night

" I'm sure she's not coming." Lucas muttered with a tragical voice, chewing his nails nervously.

Will, who was waiting with him in front of the school's gate as the others were already dancing just sighted and didn't reply anything. He hated seeing his friend like that but the only person who could really calm him down right now was Max. The small boy knew that she would never ditch her boyfriend like that and, besides, she was only a couple of minutes late but none of that seemed to really comfort Lucas.

The dark-skinned boy was starting to feel really sick when Will nudged his side gently.

" Breath Don Juan. Your princess is here. "

Lucas rose his head slowly and saw his girl climbing out of her brother's car. She waved at him happily and the boy felt like his heart was going to stop beating. Max was just wearing black converses, slinky dark jeans and a sleeveless white shirt but tonight, with the moonlight lightening her perfect face, she was the most stunning girl in the world.

" Lucas, you're drooling. " Will chuckled to the boy who was still completely mesmerized by his girlfriend.

" Shut up !" He wiped out his mouth awkwardly as his friend was still dying of laughter. " I mean, just look at her ! How could I have reacted differently ? "

Max finally reached the two boys and saw that Lucas was glaring at her with wide eyes.

" What is it ? Do I have something on my face ? " She asked, confused.

" No it's just that you are..."

" Don't call me pretty or I'll smash your ass Stalker ! "

" I wasn't even going to say that. " He said, raising his hand as a sign of peace. " You're not pretty tonight. You're beautiful."

Max opened her mouth to yell at her boyfriend but her eyes softened and she blushed slightly. Lucas smiled, knowing that even if she would definitely rather die than admitting it, she had really appreciated the compliment.

Hand in hand, the couple finally went through the school's gate and entered the gymnasium which was decorated with thousands of little stars imitating a beautiful sky night.

Max stopped in the middle of the room and looked around, her blue eyes sparkling with amazement.

" The is... Incredible. I never knew they would try that hard to make everything so
magic. " She exclaimed with an adorable smile.

" Well, with the girl I was taking to the dance, I knew it would be magic anyway."

Max just nudged his side playfully and they made their way to the table where El and Mike were already drinking some coke . (No they aren't making out for once.) As they were coming closer, the raven haired boy straightened his head and looked at Max outfit weirdly. He opened his mouth but Lucas gave him the glare don't-you-dare-saying-anything-bad-to-her-or-I'll-rip-your-throat-open and he swallowed his words back quickly.

They chatted together a couple of minutes but Lucas ended taking his girlfriend away from the table as the atmosphere was, again, getting pretty tensed between her and Mike.

" I can't stand this butt rat ! " Max mumbled as her boyfriend was dragging her to the other side of the room, as far as possible from the raven haired boy.

" I know you don't like Mike and, honestly, I can't really blame you for this but tonight is our night ok ? Let's just have fun and forget about him. "

He pressed her hand softly and she pressed his back as a new song was starting in the back ground.

" No way ! " Max exclaimed, recognizing the first notes of Every breath you take, the song they had first danced together on. " I can't believe they decided to play it again ! "

" Looks like it's a sign of the destiny huh ? " Lucas smiled, putting his hand on her shoulder. " Will you go back in time to our first dance together with me Madmax ?"

" After four years, you finally managed to asked me to dance Stalker, I have to say that I'm pretty impressed. " His girlfriend replied, leaning over to wrap her arms around his neck.

Lucas just giggled nervously and put his own hands on Max's hips, looking right into her mesmerizing blue eyes. As they moved slowly to the beat of the music, the boy really felt like they were finally back to that special night of 1983. The night he had really realized how deep his feelings for her truly were.

Closing his eyes, Lucas felt Max's soft lips meeting his and he kissed back softly, melting into her touch. This kiss was deeper and more passionate that the one they had shared four years ago but it was as magic as it had been that night. And the boy just hoped they'd get to do it again in four others years.

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