Truth or dare part 4

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Max slowly opened her eyes, awoken by the sudden cold invading her body.

She tried to reach out for her boyfriend but his side of the bed was empty and she sighted, knowing exactly what he was probably doing.

The red head turned around and tried to find a comfortable position to fall back asleep.

Like she could actually sleep after what had happened tonight.

Closing her eyes with her boyfriend by her side hadn't been a problem. It never was no matter how scared of anxious she  was but now she was alone and everything felt way different.

Max knew that going to sleep now would either be impossible or would lead her to  get horrible nightmares so she just sat against the wall, hugging herself. Waiting for her light to come back in the room and chase away the demons.


A few minutes later, the door cracked open and Lucas tip toed inside of the room, expecting to find his girlfriend sound asleep in the bed.

Instead, he saw the red head curled up against the wall, her face buried in her knees as quiet sobs escaped from her mouth.

" Hey ! "  The boy whispered cupping Max's face to look her in the eyes.
" What's wrong princess ? "

" Mike told you everything didn't he ? " She just  answered. " He told you everything and now you think that I'm a stupid baby with irrational fears. "

" Max..." Lucas sighted. " We already talked about it multiples times. When will you understand that being vulnerable sometimes isn't a sign of weakness ? "

" But I hate it ! " The red head suddenly snapped. " I hate feeling exposed and helpless like this especially around Mike ! He already thought I was worthless before this, what is he going to think now ? And what if he tells everyone ? "

" I talked to Mike and trust me, he won't say anything to anyone. " Lucas kissed his girlfriend's head gently. " I told him I would lock him up an entire night in the house if anything slipped out, he'll keep his mouth shut. Now come on, you need to get some sleep."

Max grumbled something but finally accepted to lay down next to him on the bed. Lucas gently wrapped her in his arms and strocked her hair, waiting for his girlfriend to fall asleep.

" Why are you still up ? " The boy whispered after a couple of minutes, feeling Max shifting against his back . " You need to get some rest. "

" I know. " She whispered and took a shaky breath " I just can't stop thinking about what happened in that house. It's almost as if I was still there ! "

" Oh..." Lucas hesitated, not knowing how to comfort his girlfriend. " Would it help to tell me exactly what happened to you ? Mike told me about when he found you but I have no idea what happened before that ... "

" I guess it's worth a shot. " The red head sighted. " You're really going to think I'm stupid after that but ... "

" I won't. " He promised. " You know I'll never judge you for anything. "

" Ok then but can you... Can you hold my hand ? Those memories are pretty painful to me... "

Lucas didn't reply anything and simply took Max's tiny hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

" So, after I left Mike's house, I ran as fast as I could to get to the house. " She finally started, her voice shaking lightly. " I was insanely scared but I didn't want the Rat to think I was a coward so I sucked it up and just kept going. "

" Always to proud to show you're afraid huh ? " Lucas chucked gently. " You know Mike wouldn't have thought anything of it if you had refused to go. "

" He would have and you know it, this is why I forced myself to enter that damn house. " She cut him, fear showing in her eyes. " At first it was just fine. I had my flashlight to keep the darkness away and  I didn't even feel that anxious but then ... "

" Then what ? " Lucas whispered. " What happened ? "

" I was in the living room, trying to find my way toward the stairs when something... Something showed up right in front of me. "

" The ghost of a woman ? " The boy tried, remembering what he had seen before falling. "  I saw it too, this is what made me trip in the stairs. "

" You saw it too !? " She exclaimed, looking relieved all of the sudden. " Oh god I thought I was completely insane ! "

" You're not, whoever lived in this house obviously is still here. "

" I guess..." She nodded hesitantly. " So I saw this ghost and I was so startled that I started backing off against the wall. Turned out there was an open door at the exact place I landed, which made me fell backwards in the dark. "

" Oh my god are you ok ? " The boy asked worriedly, checking her face for potential injuries.

" Yes, yes I am. I managed to break my fall without getting hurt. " Max hummed with a reassuring smile. " But unfortunately my flashlight didn't get that lucky and I found myself completely alone in the dark. "

She stopped talking, lost in her thoughts as the memories slowly came back to her.

" I thought I could just climbed up the stairs to get out but something made the door slam and I ... I found myself locked up in the basement.i h "

" And that when Mike found you ? "

" Mike didn't find me right away. " The girl replied, her face as pale as a ghost. " I don't exactly know how long it took him but to me it felt like hours. I tried to stay calm but you know I can't bear being alone in the dark and..."

Her voice broke and Lucas quickly wrapped her in his arms. He didn't need to hear what had happened next, Mike had already told him everything.

He knew that Max had experienced a full bloomed panic attack in the cave before nearly passing out. His best friend had somehow manage to calm her after he found her, using some tricks that usually worked on El when she was feeling down.

" Mike's lucky he found a way to help you. " Lucas whispered, his face buried in his girlfriend's hair. " Otherwise I would have never forgiven him for sending you in that damn house. "

" You know I hate him but there's no way he could have known about my fear of the dark. Besides, I'm not dead right ? There's no need to dwell on the past any longer. "

" Wait, did you just defend Mike ? The boy you've been hating since the way you met him ? " Lucas laughed, taken aback by Max's strange behavior. " I would have never expected that from you. "

" I'm not defending him it's just that... He really helped me in that basement when he had absolutely no obligation to do it. If he hadn't found me then I don't know how much time I would have been able to hang on out there. I really felt like... Like I was going to die. "

" I'm sorry I wasn't there. " Lucas apologized with a sorrowful voice. " I'm your boyfriend and it's my role to keep you safe. I really failed you
didn't I ? "

" Please don't apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for. " Max kissed the tip of his nose. " The only thing that matters is that you're here now. "

Lucas still felt incredibly guilty but decided not to show it. His girlfriend needed sleep and now wasn't the time to embarrass her with his own stupid feelings.

" Do you think you could try to get some rest ? " The boy finally asked after a couple of minutes. " If you think that you won't be able to sleep, I can stay up with you and make you some food or... "

" Shhh Stalker, it's okay. " Max mumbled, her eyes already closed. " I found myself in the dark tonight but my light is back and I know you'll keep my deamons away. "

Hi everyone ! No need to come at me, I know it's been a very long time since I last updated this story. I tried to find a good excuse for my absence but honestly I just didn't know how to write this chapter properly. So yes, it's probably shitty and not very original but I hope you'll like it anyway.

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