Chapter 43 'Wesley Jr.'

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Laney's POV

It's been a long five months since we moved in the house. I'm seven months pregnant and my belly is pretty big by now. I've been so stressed even with doing online schooling. Wesley isn't really helping because he's so protective. I know most people would be happy about that, but I just want to do things on my own. He doesn't let me do anything by myself. I'm and independent woman and I need to do things for myself, and he's making that really hard.

"Good morning Lane," he mumbled while turning over to face me.

"Morning," I muttered back. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He knows I'm in a mood and he probably doesn't want to put up with it. I don't blame him because I do get really edgy.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Same as the last week. I can't sleep with this huge freaking bump on my stomach. I just can't get comfortable," I groaned.

"It'll be out before you know it, and we'll be holding little Wesley Jr. soon," he chuckled.

"I don't think we decided on that name for a boy or girl," I sighed deeply instead of laughing. Truth be told, I knew what I wanted to name a boy and girl, but we haven't found out what we are having. We go to the doctor today and we decided we will let him tell us. We could have known awhile ago, but we wanted to wait. I don't know why exactly, suspense I guess.

"You ready to find out what it is?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I hope it's a boy."

"So you don't want a girl?"

"No, I do, I just want a boy first, so he can protect her from boys and stuff," he chuckled.

"Why can't that be her dads job?"

"Fine, okay, whatever it is, I'll love it unconditionally," he smiled while rubbing my belly. I gave his lips a peck before getting up out of bed and going to the bathroom. When I walked, well waddled more like, back out to our room he was pulling some clothes on and getting ready. I searched my drawer, looking for something that would fit me. I can't even believe I was that skinny before I got pregnant.

"Do you know how unhealthy it makes me feel when I can't fit in any of my clothes?"

"It's not your fault. In a way it's mine," he chuckled.

"Yeah, it actually is, so why aren't you carrying it?"

"I don't think that's possible Lay."

We ate some breakfast and had a good conversation without one of us getting mad at the other for once. When we were done, Wes helped me out to the car and he drove to the doctors.

"Babe," I sighed.

"What's up?"

"I'm really sorry I've been acting moody these past couple months. I don't mean to, but could you maybe back off a little and try not to do every little thing for me? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you everyday because you do those things, but I feel completely helpless, and I don't want to feel like that. I love you, okay? Don't forget."

"Of course I will. You should've just told me earlier Lane. I know you can't help it, and I shouldn't get mad when you get mad. I just want to treat you the way you deserve, and sometimes I forget you're so independent," he chuckled. I grabbed his free hand that wasn't on the wheel in mine and rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand. He pulled into the hospital parking lot and didn't open my door for me. That's a start. We walked in, checked in, and sat to wait for the doctor.

"I'm nervous to find out what it is," Wesley nervously chuckled.

"You're nervous? Think about how nervous I am."

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