Chapter 33 'Too Many Memories'

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Laney's POV

Here I am, waking up to my last day with Wesley. I didn't want to leave the bed to be honest. I feel that if I stay here, I'll think about it less, but I'm only lying to myself. He's still peacefully sleeping next to me, probably not wanting to get up either. I know we have to though. I shook him lightly, whispering his name.

"Wes, Wesley, Stromberg, get up," I whispered, getting louder each time.

"A couple more minutes," he begged, not opening his eyes quite yet. His muscular arms wrapped around me pulling me down to lay by him.

"It's our last morning for awhile, please," he purred against my morning hair. I couldn't say no of course. I laid in his embrace, taking it in so that maybe I could imagine it when he leaves. We had to get up since everyone was coming though, and I didn't want him to miss his flight either.

"For real this time, we need to get ready, they'll be here in an hour," I reminded. He groaned and sat up.

"Looks like we'll have to shower together to save time," he smirked.

"No Wesley," I giggled. He gave me pleading eyes, but I wouldn't give in.

"Fine, you're no fun," he pouted.

"That's not what you were saying the other night," I answered teasingly. He chuckled and shook his head, heading to the bathroom. I quickly made my bed and made everything else presentable so my parents knew that they could trust me with my own home. They were paying rent for the first couple months since I haven't found a job quite yet, although I have a few in mind.

Wesley walked out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist. His body was still glistening with droplets of water. His hair was shaggy and dripping wet too. He looked so hot and irresistible. Stop. Focus Laney, you need to get ready.

"Am I distracting you?" He chuckled. I hadn't realized I was staring that long.

"Put some clothes on, gosh," I blushed. He went to his suitcase and dug through it searching for some clothes. "You're making this so hard Wesley, please hurry," I giggled trying to hide him from my view.

"We can be quick," he winked.

"Not quick enough," I hissed.

"It's our last day, c'mon," he encouraged, getting up and walking closer to me. He went behind me and let his hot breath linger on my neck. My breath hitched in my throat when his lips pressed to my neck.

"W-Wesley no, p-please," I stuttered.

"Sorry babe, I'll get dressed," he chuckled. I grabbed my towel and robe and went to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower really quick and got ready.

I heard a knock at the door as I was finishing up the last of my makeup. I quickly rushed to the door, but Wes beat me there and everyone was already piling in. They all gazed around my new apartment.

"We picked a good one honey," my mom said to my dad. Everyone looked so sad, and it was not a good environment for me to be in considering I could break any minute like I have been for the past week. Wesley must've saw my uneasiness. He wrapped a reassuring arm around my shoulder.

"Nice place you got here Lay, I'll have to come kick it with you sometime," Matt joked while giving my arm a nudge.

"You all are welcome anytime," I smiled.

"I'm definitely coming back when you're on break sometime," Taylor cheered. Everyone looked at what they wanted and it came time to say goodbye. The worst part. Drew was the first to hug me. I pecked his cheek slightly, trying to keep my tears from falling already.

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