Chapter 20 'What Happened?'

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Laney's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. I looked to my right and realized I wasn't in my own bed. What the hell happened last night? Why am I in someone else's room? I turned the other way and saw Drew sleeping peacefully next to me. Shit. Please tell me we did not do anything last night. I held the blanket close to me and looked down slowly. I was wearing his clothes. I noticed my hair was glossy like it had been washed too. My head is pounding even more as I'm trying to remember what exactly happened.

"Drew," I whispered shakily. "Drew, wake up."

"Mhmmm," he hummed in a husked morning voice.

"Why am I here? What happened last night?" I just heard him chuckle in a low voice. I hit him and he sat up.

"You really don't remember anything?" I was about to answer when I felt something in the pit of my stomach rumble. Oh crap. I shot up and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I threw the toilet seat up and vomit came up splashing in the toilet. It burned my throat, just as more came up. Drew rushed to my side rubbing my back and holding my hair up.

I finished puking up my insides and brushed my teeth with a spare tooth brush Drew had. I walked back out to Drew who had laid back down and sat beside him. He handed me some aspirin and a glass of water that I gladly accepted. My head was still pounding. I've never been this hungover before.

"My family is probably freaking out, Sammy knew what I was doing and he probably told my parents. Oh gosh, I better call them," I panicked searching for my phone.

"Relax. I told them you were staying at Taylor's," Drew said tossing me my phone. I relaxed and checked my phone seeing I had a couple texts from Wesley.

Wesley- Can we talk about last night? Are you okay?

Wesley- Never mind, you probably don't remember. Just ignore that text.

"Drew, what the hell happened last night and why is Wesley texting me about it?" My voice was cold when I said his name.

"Look, you got really drunk, and you must've wandered out of the club. I was on my way home from the studio and I heard someone scream in the alley. I pulled over to go see what was going on and some guy had this girl pushed up against the brink wall and-" I suddenly remembered somewhat of a blur of what happened last night.

"Please stop. I remember that part now." Tears started forming in my eyes at the thought of that guy from last night.

"Okay, sorry. Is that all you remember?"

"Pretty much. I just need to know why Wesley knows or what happened between us."

"Don't hate me, but I called him after I brought you back here-"

"DREW WHAT THE HELL?! WHY? Why would you ever think that was a good idea?"

"He needed to know. You kept whimpering for him Laney. You love him, and he loves you. He would've been pissed if I didn't tell him something as serious as that. Look, all I know is he came when you were in the shower, and he helped you clean yourself. Then I left, and I don't know what you guys did after that. I know he was in here for awhile, but he came out crying. So, I don't know what you said to him or what, but the dude was crying."

"Oh my gosh. This is why I don't get drunk. I probably hurt him Drew. I feel like such a bitch right now. Why did you let him help me in the shower?! Why Drew? You let him touch me and see me while I was naked?"

"Laney you're not a bitch. I'm not taking sides, but he made a dick move, and he probably deserved whatever you said or did to him. And he didn't give me a choice! He didn't do anything Laney. I know that for a fact. He wasn't like that last night Lane. All I saw in his eyes were pain and torture when he looked at you."

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