Chapter 2 'Hello, Again?'

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Laney's POV

Our personal items and everything arrived early this morning so I was busy carrying my boxes and things up to my room.

I finished in a little over an hour and had nothing to do. Sammy and Andrea were out to lunch and my dad was at work. My mom was busy fixing up the new house and adding her touches to it. I decided I would go skate boarding around town.

"Mom, I'm going to go skate around Huntington! I have my phone incase you need me! I'll be safe! Love you!" I hollered while going out the door.

"Bye! Please be safe!" I heard her yell before I closed the door. I threw my board down and pushed off, heading towards town.

I was going down a street admiring all of the shops and things they had outside of them. I was looking at a really cute tank in a window when I hit something hard with my body and ended up smacking down on the cement.

"Ow," I said sitting up rubbing my head. A boy with brown hair and muscular figure held his hand out to help me up. I took his extended arm and he pulled me up and I smacked into his chest. He must've thought I was heavier than I am. I just giggled and slowly backed up getting my board.

"Hey, watch it there," he chuckled. I finally got a good look at him and he looked familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it. He was wearing long black skinny jeans and baseball tee, with a SnapBack to top it off over his curly hair.

"Sorry!" I apologized.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you around here before," He asked sweetly.

"I'm Laney Lewis. Yeah, my family and I just moved here yesterday. Just exploring the town," I looked around shyly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm KeaTon, KeaTon Stromberg," he gave me a goofy grin. He emphasized the T. "Do you want me to show you around? I mean, if you're not busy or anything really," he said nervously blushing. Awe!

"Sure! Sounds great, let me just get my board," I chuckled grabbing it from the ground.

"We can ride it, I mean both of us," he blushed awkwardly.

"Okay," I said nervously. He hopped on and motioned for me to get in front of him. I agreed and got on in front of him. He gripped my waist and held onto me tight. It felt awkward at first because I was pressed tight to him, but I got used to it.

We rode through town, him showing me all of his favorite shops and hangout places. We even stopped and hung at the beach for a bit.

"Do you wanna go get some yogurt? I know this boss frozen yogurt place a couple minutes away," Keaton suggested as we walked along the sidewalk. He was carrying my board for me, which was nice. I kind've like this kid.

"I didn't bring any money, but maybe some other time," I sighed.

"Don't worry, it's on me. I kind've owe you from making you fall anyways," he chuckled.

"No, I couldn't accept that offer, I wasn't paying attention anyways," I insisted.

"You're coming to get yogurt with me whether you like it or not," he said dragging me across the street.

"Fine, but I'm paying you back!" I warned as he started running with me.

We walked into the small yogurt shop and he showed me what to do. I tried many samples and finally found the one I wanted. I put a couple toppings on and Keaton took it up to pay. I still felt bad about letting him pay, but I'm paying him back.

He came back and sat across from me in the booth.

"Thanks," I smiled licking my lips as he placed the yogurt in front of me.

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