Chapter 23 'Wait What?'

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Laney's POV

It was our last day in Virginia today. Matt and I were going out with Jack and Becca, like old times, just for fun. Our flight leaves tomorrow around eleven. He's been kind've ignoring me lately. I know it's because of what happened with Wesley, but what am I supposed to do about it? I can't determine who I fall in love with. I've been acting a lot like myself though these past couple days. I don't really know where Wesley and I stand right now, but I was willing to wait for him.

I got ready for the day and went downstairs to eat breakfast. His mom already had it prepared, of course.

"Thank you Sarah, smells great!" I smiled. She returned the smile and handed me my plate. I took it but before I went to sit down she motioned for me to come over to her.

"What's going on between you and Matt? I figured you'd be sleeping in the same room maybe, but he barely even talks to you?" She asked clearly confused.

"You know how I had that breakup? He was there for me and everything and he started falling for me again. He admitted to me that he loves me, and I don't know what to tell him because I don't love him the way he wants me to. I did at one time, but I'm in love with someone else. I just hate to break his big heart. He's always been there for me for everything."

"Oh Laney, he'll get over it. I just hate seeing you two like this. You're best friends! I always thought you two would end up together. It was so obvious Matt loved you. I understand you like someone else, so I won't push anything." I slightly smiled and went to take a seat at the dining table across from Mike. Matt trudged down minutes later ready for the day. He grabbed a plate and sat by his father.

"What's got you so snappy this morning?" Mike teased Matt. He rolled his eyes and shoved a piece of food in his mouth after glancing at me. I finished my plate and put it in the sink. Matt followed my actions and we went back upstairs.

I followed him into his room and shut his door.

"Tell me. Now." I demanded.

"What?" He was playing stupid.

"What's got you so worked up? God dammit if you don't tell me," I warned.

"Can't you see?! You're back with Wesley! I love you! I know you don't feel the same way, but it hurts! I broke you when you loved me, but yet I never got a second chance like that...." His expression suddenly softened when he saw the scared look on my face.

"I would've given you as many chances in the world Matt! But my feelings for you vanished over the year. I love you more than you'll ever know," I whispered the last part.

"Not the way I love you," he stated.

"Can we just make the best of our last day here?"

"You're right, sorry," he sighed.

Jack and Becca came to pick us up around noon. We were going hiking at a trail we always used to back in the day. Good thing I decided to wear running shoes today. We drove to the trail and parked the car to walk it.

We caught up and told each other about our present lives. A lot can change in a couple years. My legs were getting really tired.

"Matt can we take a little break," I huffed trying to catch up.

"Just hop on," he bent down to offer me a piggy back ride. I jumped on his back and giggled as he stumbled around to get his balance back. He walked us up the trail, going slower than Becca and Jack, so we were pretty far behind. We came to a halt when a beautiful view came in sight. He put me down on my feet as we gazed out at the sun shining down on a huge lake. It was amazing.

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