Chapter 10 'You're My Secret Admirer?'

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Laney's POV

I woke up, still thinking about that note. I hadn't told anyone, but I was going to tell Taylor. She'd know what to do. She might even know who it is. She was coming over in an hour so I was making myself look presentable. I was playing on my phone when I heard the doorbell downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled even though I know she wouldn't be able to hear me. I opened it and it revealed someone I wasn't looking for.

"Oh hey Cam," I smiled stepping aside as if to welcome him in.

"Hey cutie," he winked. I blushed, not meaning to. Sammy trudged down the stairs seconds later making it less awkward.

"Hey now, don't be hitting up my sister," he chuckled.

"Sorry bro, she's a cute one," he chuckled back, again making me blush. Taylor pulled in the driveway and I quickly dismissed myself from them. I met her on the porch and she was all jumpy.

"Someone has some newwwws!" She sang. I chuckled shaking my head leading her upstairs.

"So does someone else," I sighed.

"You go first!" She cheered jumping on my bed.

"Well, after the concert Wesley kissed me, well we kissed each other, and he left blah blah blah...and yesterday I found this note," I explained handing it to her. She examined it more than once and smirked.

"Do you know something?" I begged.

"Of course not, but it's cute! Are you going?" She asked.

"I don't know, it might be a joke," I uneasily said.

"You're going," she giggled. I rolled my eyes and she told me her news.

"Drew asked me on a date! We're going out to dinner tonight, and he said something about a movie or the beach, so i don't know," she explained.

We talked for while and decided to go get some snacks to eat. We walked downstairs and my mom was sitting on the couch.

"Hey mom," I cheered.

"Hey sweetie! What's got you so happy?" She gave me a slight smirk.

"I have a date tonight...well I think," I giggled.
"Who is it?" She asked.

"I don't know actually, I just got this note," I said handing it to her since I stuffed it in my pocket.

"Be careful," she warned. We grabbed some snacks and went out to the back patio. We just stared at the view of the beach and ate and talked.

It was around 5 when we decided to get ready for our dates. I helped her get ready first and I curled her hair lightly into beach waves. She did my makeup and hair. She also picked out my outfit, which was a red slick dress that showed every curve I had. I wasn't sure Sammy would approve, but I didn't care. I had some black heels with it and a leather jacket to go over it. She had my hair curled as well. I finally finished up after Taylor left and a car pulled in my driveway. I walked out to see Keaton holding the door open for me.

"So, what exactly is going on?" I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders and closed the doors. He drove me to a small restaurant about 20 minutes away.

"He's inside," he said parking the car. I didn't even have to ask who he was because I knew. I walked in and Wesley was sitting at a table looking around. He spotted me and waved, smiling. I have him a slight smile back, took in a deep breath, and walked over to him. I took the seat across from him and smiled my best.

"Hi Wesley," I started.

"Hello Laney," he answered.

"You look amazing tonight. That dress is really, wow," he said stunned.

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