Chapter 48 'Baby Steps'

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Laney's POV

Well, a week from now is the official date of our wedding. I am beyond excited, but also nervous! I'm so happy to finally get married to Wesley! On top of this, Taylor, Kate and Avery are here and we're spending the day together. I just finished getting ready, so I have to go pick Taylor up. Kate and Becca are staying with us until the wedding. Jack came down with Becca, but he's staying with Drew. They're staying in the guest room downstairs.

"Girls! You ready? We have to pick Taylor up," I hollered down the distance of the hallway. I heard shuffling around before they came out from behind the door.

"We're coming," Kate said defensively.

"Wes, I'm leaving!" I yelled up the stairs, forgetting Trent was sleeping. My hand quickly flew to my mouth to cover it. I heard footsteps and a door closing. Wesley came walking down with Trent in his arms. He wasn't crying though, so that was good.

"Your loud ass woke him up," he chuckled jokingly.

"Sorry," I apologized. I gave Trent a soft peck on the forehead and pinched his little cheek lightly. Wesley puckered his lips for a kiss, and since I didn't have time, I didn't tease him. Our lips connected only for a split second, but it was long enough to make me smile.

"Love you! I'll see you tonight," he winked. I rolled my eyes because the girls probably saw and thought we were going to do something we definitely weren't.

"Love you too Wes, call me if you need anything, or if Trent needs anything, or if something happens, or just call me if everything's going alright," I rambled, still nervous about leaving Trent. I will never get used to leaving Trent. It's not that I don't trust Wes, because I obviously do, it's that I don't want Trent away from his mom.

"Laney, go. We will be fine," Wesley chuckled. He shook his head and took Trent back upstairs. Becca, Kate and I picked Taylor up at her mom's house since she was staying there. When we arrived I hopped out of my car real quick and knocked on her door. She opened it right away and engulfed me in a hug.

"I've missed you so much! I'm so sorry about leaving and not telling you! I just had to clean my slate," she explained.

"It's okay, I understand. You'll have to come over and see Trent! He's getting so big!"

"I can't believe you and Wes had a kid," she said in disbelief.

"Me either to be completely honest," I chuckled, walking back to my car. We both got in and I drove off. We went to the nail salon first. We all sat in the big comfy chairs and told the ladies what we wanted. They got to work right away.

"So, what's it feel like to be getting married?" Kate asked.

"It's amazing! Especially since it's to Wesley. He's just the most imperfectly perfect person ever. He's made some stupid mistakes, but he treats me so well, and he's great with Trent."

"Awe!! I'm so happy for you Laney!" Becca gushed.

"Is Trent hard work? Does he give you a rough time?" Taylor asked.

"Not really. He hasn't cried as much as he did. Plus, when he does, as soon as Wes gets that guitar of his out, it automatically stops. It's crazy how great he is with kids."

"That's adorable!" Taylor cooed. We continued to talk about our present lives and the wedding coming up in a week. When we got done with our nails, we went to some shops downtown LA. They were picking out some cute accessories to wear with their bridesmaid dresses. Their dresses were turquoise with a little brown around the edges to fit in our color theme. They all had flowers for their hairdos as well.

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